GG Steam, GFG


Jul 21, 2003
Reaction score
So yea I was playing HL2 last night, then decided I should get some sleep.
Now I can't even log into Steam at all!
"Could not connect to Steam network.
This could be due to a problem with your internet connection, or with the Steam network. Please visit for more info."

Well I would love to go to the steampowered forums but they are down too!!!!
Good game Steam. Way to know how much traffic you can handle before the release of one of the most anticipated games ever.
SaiboT said:
So yea I was playing HL2 last night, then decided I should get some sleep.
Now I can't even log into Steam at all!
"Could not connect to Steam network.
This could be due to a problem with your internet connection, or with the Steam network. Please visit for more info."

Well I would love to go to the steampowered forums but they are down too!!!!
Good game Steam. Way to know how much traffic you can handle before the release of one of the most anticipated games ever.

i am having the exact same problem.. in the exact same scenerio.
hmm....wheres my offline mode? :( :|
this is total bs...they have the bandwidth but not the cpu many times can one company screw their sh*t up?
Disconnect from the net, and u should be able to start offline mode. If u have broadband, close the network connection in Windows or pull out the plug, and it should give u the choice to play offline. Works for me
I tried what you suggested but then I get this "There is no login information stored on this computer. You will not be able to use Steam until you can login again." Any other ideas!!!!!!!!!