.:Ghost:. A rpg


Mar 7, 2005
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Ghost is about multiple strange murders made by a secret combine/synth organization, they call them selves Ghosts.
Theyr'e researching a new drug to make them turn into mutated xen cretures. Us resitiance team must find the drug destroy it and destroy the Ghosts. Theyr'e will be multiple chapters, in ghosts everyone has a special ablity. Heres the form thing...

Occupation (former/current):
Physical Description:

heres mine

Name: Max
Race: US
Age: ?
Occupation (former/current): Game maker
Physical Description: Has asthma but can run and hide well.
History: Not much to say, execpt that he bio-engineered a synth and fused it with a headcrab.
Abilities/Skills: Can breed barnacles and leechs. Can bio-engineer stuff and has a snark farm in his lab. -
Motivations: Freedom...

heres the story:

12:00 midngiht, thursday, 16, citidal:underground.

It's midnight extremly cold after several nucular bombs hit, theres zombies,headcrabs, synths, everywhere. I was lucky enough to be in a prison pod attached with boosters in it.
I had made a contraption that launchs me into the citidal.
Sadly it dosn't work yet I didnt know. I crawled out of the pod and out into a cave, this was no ordinairy cave it leaked nucular waste (that im afraid of) so I wouldn't enter. I heard combine coming... It's either more stun burns on the back or running through my worst fear. I chose neither... I looked for a way out and my eye caught a glimpse of the AC vent. I crawled in and W00SH!!! I was flying 5 to 50 mph. I caught hold of a rusty pipe only to see a headcrab crawling in it. I immideitly let go and went flying with the little thing. I soon hit a painfull stop at a metal wall. I ducked and SPLAT!!! The headcrab had a unfortanate landing. I was stuck up there, alone. I heard a voice not just any voice but a raspy sandpaper voice. And thats when I saw a stalker... Ugly with those metal legs, no teeth, artificial eyes, I did not want to do anything with it. Yet it was strange, it had a big D on it's back, I suddenly realized it ment "DESTORY". It's wrist cracked open (yuck!) and a metal tube came out, it shot a red lazer that hit the wall I was on and AHHHHH!!! I fell back first into the uknown. This is when I heard another voice the voice of-

Join now the second one to join is the character I see and hear.
Yah, i just wish the Ireland HL2 RPG would get under way...
Retype it, rethink it, and then decide not to do it. I hate to be hostile but this is just sloppy.