Ghost caught on camera


May 24, 2006
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I think this proves without a shadow of doubt that midget ghosts are a reality.

I think the little kid on the right says it all.
LOL at the fatty 2nd from the right, 3rd if you include the crying baby. Hahahaha.

The furthest one of the left looks like she just pooped.
if I see papers of the daily mail I will burn them
Face it, Baserape>, no one cares about your ghost, only about insulting your relatives.
You are all missing the point.

And that point is we should hold our own party! With blackjack! And hookers!
One of my friends lives in a block of units and some old lady had died so for some reason he though he'd take his camera and have a look around. Anyway he was looking on the LCD screen of the camera and this silhouette of some person was in the photo even though there wasn't anyone there. Creepy eh?
One of my friends lives in a block of units and some old lady had died so for some reason he though he'd take his camera and have a look around. Anyway he was looking on the LCD screen of the camera and this silhouette of some person was in the photo even though there wasn't anyone there. Creepy eh?

It's called imagination. I bet if someone who wasn't aware of the history of the house looked at it they wouldn't see anything.

your source for all things bullshit.
Jesus H. Christ.

The least they could do was hide the ghost in a picture of five hot lesbians, not five fat and ugly bitches.
I was too scared by the hideous humans to give two shits about the ghost.
Not that I don't believe in "ghosts", but I can do this in Photoshop pretty easily.