Ghostbusters 3 Ghostbusters 3 Ghostbusters 3

It won't be the same without Bill Murray. Stil, i'll wait and see.
Everything seems funny about this:
"Hell" as a stereotyped New York.
Ben Stiller could do it well.
Murray doesn't want anything to do with it.
It's frickin' Ghostbusters. I still think the original is pretty funny. We'll see - there's so many ways they could do this wrong.
OMG, yay! I loved both the Ghostbuster films. Shame all the original cast won't be in it but I think they can still pull it off.
I don't think it's a good idea. The original cast is too old now and new actors are just meh IMO, but heck why not do it and we'll see what happens.
The more I think about Ben Stiller being a Ghostbuster the worse this idea seems. Seriously, he'll be awful.
This looks iffy, but as a fan of all things Ghostbuster I'll end up watching it, if it ever actually comes into existence
They should just let the franchise die. The second film was mediocre at best. But you know Hollywood, they will have to milk every possible cent out of the name Ghostbusters. After all thats easier than coming up with an new original idea.
Redneck said:
I Hate Ben Stiller Period!!!

He was great in Cable Guy and I think he did a good job directing it as well (despite what everyone thinks, that was a good movie).

Thats as far is it goes as far as I'm concerned though.