Giant Dinosaur Eggs Discovered


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May 8, 2007
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Batch of dinosaur eggs found in Russia's Chechnya region

GROZNY, Russia — Geologists in Russia's volatile Chechnya region have discovered what they believe to be fossilized dinosaur eggs laid by one of the huge extinct reptiles that roamed the Earth more than 60 million years ago.
"We've found about 40 eggs so far, the exact number has not been established," said Said-Emin Dzhabrailov, a geologist at the Chechen State University.
"There could be many more laying under the ground."

There is a good chance that they would be taken under display after testing. If they find more and they turn to be authentic, hopefully the eggs will find themselves travelling the world.
I, for one, welcome our new hatchling Lizard Overlords.
Put them on a pyre with the actor who plays Drogo.
Quite a discovery though, in all seriousness, considering most dinosaur life was no larger than the average farm chicken.
I was lead to believe, but feel free to prove me wrong. It's been a while since I hopped in me time machine!

I know next to nothing about dinosaurs so I wont be proving anything anytime soon. I just never heard that before.

Also I need to borrow said time machine.

Edit: doe noone get any custom titles anymore?
I think I read it on a plaque at a museum in Oxford. Or the lass I was hanging with me made the comment.

I mean, I wouldn't be surprised. They were largely omnivorous or herbivores and scavengers. I think it's a newer hypothesis... but then again, I'm just making shit up as usual.
I've always dreamed of one, thus nobody else deserves such royal treatment. So obviously I haxxored the custom titles due to my communist tendencies.
I was lead to believe, but feel free to prove me wrong. It's been a while since I hopped in me time machine!

Presumably smaller eggs are more fragile thinner shells and are less likely to be preserved. So even if there were many more smaller dinosaurs one wouldn't necessarily expect to find as many of their eggs.
I just like the idea of hordes and hordes of feathered reptilian omnivores skittering around the jungle floor engaging in pikmin style battles and make "skreeee" sounds. Maybe they even took out a T-Rex or Bronto from time to time like the A-wings on Hoth.

Chickensaurs did actually have tow cables according to scholars which may or may not exist in a scholarly journal that nobody has read yet.
What BHC is saying is correct. The average size of a dinosaur was quite small. Remember they were around for hundreds of millions of years... while the kind of massive scale Cretacious monsters are what most people think of when they hear the word dinosaur, in fact the vast majority of species were much smaller, closer to the size of chickens or large rodents than schoolbuses or buildings.
When you say average dinosaur size, does that mean just out of a list of all the known species, or a weighted average based on the populations of each species? And I bet it varies with periods too.
get dat DNA from them eggs and call up Ian Malcolm
Just need to get some Targaryens to have a looksee at them now.