Ginger lashes back after his 'race' is made fun of by South Park (Again)

This shit was retarded. Whats a 13 year old fat kid who sweats after a few minutes of talking gunna do about anything?
Trolling and sweating.

Seriously, is he that nervous or fat that he can't even talk without his face getting drenched?
Frosted makes fun of fat little kids.
Troll or not, this kid makes me feel embarrassed to be a ginger. His lisp made me laugh a bit.
I said "gingers" could take the stick out of their ass until "Kick A Ginger Day" came around...
Seems like the episode was 100% accurate in the depiction of ginger temperament and violence.

Also, I don't call them gingers, I call them red-heads.
Hey now. That kid is too young to be watching South Park. Can he go to jail for this or something?
There are like 6 or 7 of these that he's made, and they're all hilarious
ITT: Foreshadowing of the Great Ginger Revolution of 2010
talking to a TV show doesn't me I've tried
the funny thing about gingers is that it doesn't feel racist

This, right here, is the man that will lead the next American Civil War.
This is why Youtube for its intended purpose is lame as ****. This kid doesn't even have anything to say. He even was depicted by the makers of South Park for his efforts. He was rewarded for flipping out and having NOTHING TO SAY ON CAMERA. This adds nothing to society, not even for entertainment purposes.
I want this video to be an episode of South Park D:
Don't act like you've got a soul that can feel offended.

He seems to be a daywalker. Aren't those extra dangerous?
Not a Racist Ghost says:

It's okay to make fun of Gingers.

'Postal' comes to mind.

Lack of a sense of humour, lack of any ability to let things go, lack of perspective, uncontrollable rage over something that is of absolutely no consequence, unilaterally deciding that some guys wont get into som magical fairy land afterlife because he says so (even though heaven apparently doesn't like gays anyway)?

Ya this guy is a future shopping mall shoot-up.

Edit: Also if being ginger/red-head is such a massive burden for him why doesn't he (shock horror) dye it?
if being ginger/red-head is such a massive burden for him why doesn't he dye it?
You make it sound as if their red hair is a pigment that can be colored, like normal peoples' hair, and not, in fact, the undisguisable mark of their cursed, soulless existences.
Those videos have me loling. The parts where he makes the little sound effects.