Girl seen playing video game. world explodes


Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
I was on my way out of EBX after buying C&C3 (which kicks ass, by the way) when I noticed something. There was a family walking through the mall, and behind them was a girl who was around 10 years old, walking while simultaneously playing a Nintendo DS. I was shocked by this. When I was that old and played the gameboy, that was like my patented move, and it isn't easy to do without hours of practice.

I guess this really goes to show you that the demographic is truly changing. This wasn't a girl who plays games every so often. She obviously is growing up on this, to a point where she can navigate a crowded mall with her attention fully focused to a DS screen. She probably will grow up to be as nerdy as me for God's sake.

Any opinions on this, or similar stories that you guys want to share?
Tell me all on C&C3! :dork:


I don't mean to sound racist, but I saw this 20-30 year old black guy playing a DS in my school, and I live in Montana. (In case you didn't know, Montana doesn't have very much culture or very many black people)
There's a chick I hang with at school that can kick my ass at Gears of War AND Counter - Strike: Source.

Scary shit, or scariest shit ever?
So what?... a Nintendo DS is a slightly girly device.
Girls are actually accounting for a huge amount of DS sales. First it was Nintendogs, and now they're buying up stuff like Hanna Montana the game, whose sales have been crushing almost everything else out.
There's a girl that plays counter-strike with me and some friends on our server, and she is smokin' hot and really good at source too. It's a win-win combo tbh.



whats next a girl whit a whinie poh shirt?
A hot lab instructor of mine was playing wow during class :/

It annoyed me because she was talking about her new spell to our other lab instructor. But its ok, shes crazy hawt and knows a lot about rigging and scripting.

My sister plays the DS and Wii. Probably a result of having grown up with only 3 brothers, all of whom are avid gamers.
A 10 year old girl playing a Nintendo handheld is hardly considered as proper gaming, if it was a 18 year old woman playing CS:S I might see this thread being interesting
Shippi, may I give you a breast cancer examination?
You guys can't be seriously discussing this, can you? Girl gamers have been around for a long time. Get with it.
Pah, so much insecure "I'm manly" talk being thrown around on the forum lately.

The DS is as girly as conditioning your hair.

Besides, both make you look like less of a recluse :P
How ironic...

Today, I just found out that a girl that usually hangs around us, and mind you, she is a girl that used to be psycho crazy when she was either high or drunk. She's one of those typical, known-to-be-cool types; a party/club girl... well, a secret was revealed when one of our friends had told us(who is currently talking to her) that she used to play the Final Fantasy series, LMAO.
There's loads of girls in my Uni program (game dev) that can both kick my ass in games and animate/model waaay better than I can. Now that's scary.

But I like it :)
You just don't think of chicks as being h4rdc0r3 g4m3rs, do you? Gotta change that stereotype...
Pah, so much insecure "I'm manly" talk being thrown around on the forum lately.

The DS is as girly as conditioning your hair.

Thats quite girly. Well, maybe not conditioning... but if you said straightening then it would be really girly.
This forum makes a good job in making me think I'm gay. I straighten my hair, uses conditioning and I own a DS.

What more? The next gay thing will prolly be wearing a scarf... OH SHI-
This forum makes a good job in making me think I'm gay. I straighten my hair, uses conditioning and I own a DS.

What more? The next gay thing will prolly be wearing a scarf... OH SHI-


Here, for you:

Heh, I've seen a middle-aged business woman (suit, briefcase and all) sit down by herself and wailing away at her PSP (GTA but couldn't tell if it was LCS or VCS), ever since then nothing has shocked me when it comes to games and girls here.
DS wins games, all the rest of you can GTFO.

I finished Castlevania yesterday. Now I'm going to fail English but it was WORTH IT!

Theres a girl that works at the games workshop I go to to play Warhammer 40k...
She plays video games too!