girls/boys rubbish


Space Core
Aug 25, 2004
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do you just hate people who use this bullshit like
"oh i can do this coz im a girl!
"ur not meant to do that coz ur a boy"
"only boys r meant to do that!"
"its wrong for girls to do that!"
"its ok, im allowed coz im a girl"
"he can do that coz he's a boy!"

etc etc etc!

for the more intelligent board members: gender stereotyping.

it just really annoys me. boys/girls... whatever, its the ****ing same!
seriously though there's no need for people to treat others differently just because of their gender, but thats the way it is.

guess what. its because of that little thing called the media again!

infact, you know what... nevermind nobody willl understand or care what im blaberring on about anyway..

cant sleep... clowns'll get me... :sleep:
Well...actually there are differences between the genders and you should treat people differently accordingly. However, I do know what you mean :) most of what people say is a load of rubbish.
Kinda like "Boys can't hit girls" yet it's okay for girls to smack guys all they want... What's up with that anyway?
Alec_85 said:
Kinda like "Boys can't hit girls" yet it's okay for girls to smack guys all they want... What's up with that anyway?
I think it's called 'culture'?
Letters said:
I think it's called 'culture'?

IMO if the girl starts hitting for no good reason,then all bets are off, she should know what she is getting her self into, I mean if I hit mike tyson for no reason then I know what I can expect and I seem to not mind it, you get what you deserve.
Well girls can't hit guys anyway, not really hit. Well...Its not officially acceptable, in much the same way it isn't for a man to hit a woman. The reason it exists, is because men are generally stronger and will do a lot more damage without perhaps realising it, especially since women have more sensative touch (Well...sort of. In a lot of women, its canceled out by the layer of fat that they get where men don't)and its also amplified emotionally.

I won't hit a woman, but then I would have to be desperate to hit a man. I usually just use my brain in situations where people would use their fists.
It is ok to call a buy a bitch, but when you call a girl a bitch you get bitched at for 45 minutes...why? I was only joking....also the joke about going on a school shooting didn't go well either...
It depends on who you call a bitch and how you say it. Going up to a girl in the street and calling her a bitch probably won't get you very far. If its a friend, then like I said it depends on how you say it. Also...really, you're just "bitching" about being called a bitch, only you're not bitching to the bitch that called you a bitch, you're bitching to us...:x So basically, if you don't like someone calling someone something, then tell them or just ignore it and get on with your life, safe in the knowledge that its their problem and not yours.

Too many bitches, I'm going to bed. :P
Farrowlesparrow said:
It depends on who you call a bitch and how you say it. Going up to a girl in the street and calling her a bitch probably won't get you very far. If its a friend, then like I said it depends on how you say it. Also...really, you're just "bitching" about being called a bitch, only you're not bitching to the bitch that called you a bitch, you're bitching to us...:x So basically, if you don't like someone calling someone something, then tell them or just ignore it and get on with your life, safe in the knowledge that its their problem and not yours.

Too many bitches, I'm going to bed. :P
I told her she was being a bitch about it, and completly unreasonable. She then threatened to beat me up, saying she was stronger than I was so I did the only sensible thing, I challenged her to a arm wrestling contest. She declined but I am going to keep bother her about it, she seems to be ok about it now though but the other girl took offense for her and for some reason bitched at me and then told me how I am not a man and what she said pretty much reminded me of the midevil aged with knights and honor and such. She then told me how much more of a man her boyfriend is than I am...what a bitch. I said. Just ignore it and get in with your life. Let her stew over it, while you have fun :) Thats what I do when people try to annoy me. :D Ok I'l tell thme how I feel about it, if its appropriate, but beyond that I don't really care.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Well girls can't hit guys anyway, not really hit. Well...Its not officially acceptable, in much the same way it isn't for a man to hit a woman. The reason it exists, is because men are generally stronger and will do a lot more damage without perhaps realising it, especially since women have more sensative touch (Well...sort of. In a lot of women, its canceled out by the layer of fat that they get where men don't)

I hit guys all the time, and I get hit back, really hard. Admitly Im never punched in the chest.
neptuneuk said:
do you just hate people who use this bullshit like
"oh i can do this coz im a girl!
"ur not meant to do that coz ur a boy"
"only boys r meant to do that!"
"its wrong for girls to do that!"
"its ok, im allowed coz im a girl"
"he can do that coz he's a boy!"

etc etc etc!

It sucks, I hate it, but you need to choose whether you want to "fit in" in life, or be who you want.
What about Uma Thurman? If she hit you it would probably hurt. The fact of the matter is that a fight with a girl can never end up well. If you beat up a girl, well then you're a jerk cause guys are stronger than girls. If you lose to a girl well you're a sissy for getting beaten by a girl. Your best bet is probably not to fight with women.
Dan said:
The fact of the matter is that a fight with a girl can never end up well. If you beat up a girl, well then you're a jerk cause guys are stronger than girls. If you lose to a girl well you're a sissy for getting beaten by a girl. Your best bet is probably not to fight with women.

nah just bring it.. :naughty: :p
Dan said:
What about Uma Thurman? If she hit you it would probably hurt. The fact of the matter is that a fight with a girl can never end up well. If you beat up a girl, well then you're a jerk cause guys are stronger than girls. If you lose to a girl well you're a sissy for getting beaten by a girl. Your best bet is probably not to fight with women.
I wouldn't fight Ms. Thurman. She would kick my ass :E Some things are seriously wrong in this world about your other inputs. I don't like it but what can you do? ;(
Stereotyping some time is true, which is why they become stereotypes, Like I'm a man and can't give birth because of it, or most women I know don't piss standing up, but I do!

And what foxtrot points out reminds me of the one thing the rugs me wrong about women. Ever sence womens sufferage, women have demanded equal rights and rightly so. But they still demand the same niceties they got for the lack of those rights, ie women and childern first, opening door for them, pulling out chairs, covering checks, take off you hat indoors, etc. If you want to be treated as an equal then I'm happy to treat you like just another guy, just don't get on my case when you don't like it.
Grand Architect said:
But they still demand the same niceties they got for the lack of those rights, ie women and childern first, opening door for them, pulling out chairs, covering checks, take off you hat indoors, etc.

In my life, I have never atempted to make a guy do any of that for me (however, it still happens sometimes lol..)

"they" isn't really accurate.
True, infact my oldist sister gets pissed if a guy opens a door for her, But I have also met women that throw a hissy fit if you don't. So let just say some women then.
Grand Architect said:
True, infact my oldist sister gets pissed if a guy opens a door for her, But I have also met women that throw a hissy fit if you don't. So let just say some women then.

I'm not saying I'm a feminist- I just think the whole thing is so stupid, and I'm pretty apathetic towards the whole idea of seperation, so when someone re-enforces it by doing gender-based things (such as the comments mentioned by the thread starter) it just annoys me; I think to myself "how stupid, who cares?"
Dan said:
What about Uma Thurman? If she hit you it would probably hurt. The fact of the matter is that a fight with a girl can never end up well. If you beat up a girl, well then you're a jerk cause guys are stronger than girls. If you lose to a girl well you're a sissy for getting beaten by a girl. Your best bet is probably not to fight with women.
I'd rather be a jerk than a sissy.
Dan said:
What about Uma Thurman?
**** that. Just grab her wrists. Wrists are like the womans version of a nutsack. Grab their wrists and they can't do anything. They just scream in pain


"oh i can do this coz im a girl!
"ur not meant to do that coz ur a boy"
"only boys r meant to do that!"
"its wrong for girls to do that!"
"its ok, im allowed coz im a girl"
"he can do that coz he's a boy!"

Doesn't all of that just mean the same thing.

"You're a boy/girl you can't do boy/girl things"
I heard somewhere that a guy almost got killed by a woman because she started beating him and he refused to hit back. :|
it all depends on the recipients personality how they take you doing something nice for them, the fact you are the opposite sex makes all the difference, it shouldnt but it depends how they see life and the people around them. A woman more aware that you are a guy might either complain about you opening the door for them or thank you. Either way your own gender does matter. If you dont open the door for them, you are just an arsehole :)
Im confused why with *some* girls, they'll let gay friends do things with them, shopping etc... but if a straight friend wants to, its somehow not right, even though they dont find them attractive. Sexes especially notable with gay guys (and possibly girl lesbians) get treated differently than straight guys and girls around a straight person of a different sex.
I dont understand why...

If a girl hit me, i dont know what i'd do... i wouldnt be able to hit back, i'd be ashamed to run away... i guess thats why lots of domestic violence by women against men doesnt get reported or known of in this country, but it happens.
Quate from Southpark: when guy shaves hes balls its ok,but when Women its wrong
nutcrackr said:
I know how you feel, I want to play with Barbie dolls too.

I would say thats part of the issue. It is socially acceptable for women to do male oriented things like say wear pants, join the army, be a lumber jack, box, play sports, have short hair, kiss girls, etc. But men can't get away with doing girlish things like wear dresses, play with dolls, use make up, Shave they legs, and so forth without being looked down on. Err not that I would want to do those things :rolleyes:
I don't mind how a guy treats me in relation to gender, as long as I get respect.

Also, if I just started beating a guy, I wouldnt bitch about it if he tried to fight back.. not that I go and start fights with guys lol (well, not 'serious' fights hehe)
hehe, reminds me of That 70's Show.

"Girls can't have play fights like men without it truning into a real fight"
"oh yeah watch this"
slap, giggle, laugh, "ouch you scratch me bitch" slap, punch, head lock, bite.
Grand Architect said:
hehe, reminds me of That 70's Show.

"Girls can't have play fights like men without it truning into a real fight"
"oh yeah watch this"
slap, giggle, laugh, "ouch you scratch me bitch" slap, punch, head lock, bite.

true. lol... but its worth it if I manage to win somehow.. :D
bliink said:
true. lol... but its worth it if I manage to win somehow.. :D

you win by scratching at the eyes and pulling hair don't you? :D