Give your Thumbs a Rest, anti-gaming ads (56k beware)


May 5, 2004
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the message is ok but is it really that bad that the Center for Disease control feels the need to create these ads?
Hmm. It seems to me that the CDC should be spending less time attacking videogames, and maybe get back to curing AIDS and cancer... but that's just me.
Amateur car racing is healthier than video games. Kewl.
Well, a lot of the games I play have 2 hour auto-shut down programmed into them, and I get these kinds of ads when I go online.

But still, if its the CDC, this is a real problem. Why do people game so much so that they die? Don't gthey get bored, ever?
Well, a lot of the games I play have 2 hour auto-shut down programmed into them, and I get these kinds of ads when I go online.

totalitarianism FTL

But still, if its the CDC, this is a real problem. Why do people game so much so that they die? Don't gthey get bored, ever?

it's mostly in your part of the world that things like that happen tell us
totalitarianism FTL

it's mostly in your part of the world that things like that happen tell us

Lol, no its something that the game companies came up with because of people whining about how games are bad for teh health. They were tired of parents 'concerns' that games might destroy your soul or something. So in order to end their bickering, they did this. It differs from company to company, but after that guy died because of 56 hours on WoW, 2 hours seem to be the average.

I have no idea. I have never gamed past 3 hours.
lol even I have gamed for more than 3 hours and I have a wife, kids, career

I find it a little disturbing that you see no problem in the state/people of the state dictating how long you can play video games for ...what happened to free will? what happened to the freedom to choose?
Well, I see no problem because the corporations do whatever they want to do. And its limited to online RPGs and addictive games, so it isn't a problem much. If you really wanted to play more, you have to prove that you are an adult, by entering your national confirmation number, and may have to pay a monthly fee, depending on the company.
Well, forget playing BF2, go out and join the army!
Now how are we going to play Half-Life 2 DM for real? D:
Easy: just get some goverment funding to establish a gigantic reasearch facility in New Mexico, and you'll get to play HL2:DM for real in a few years.
You wanna know how many crimes I could commit while using these ads as justification?
Well, if you were a sane, healthy person, none?
Give your thumbs a for real.

k...instead of playing half life 2 I'll just wait for a simultaneous alien and combine threat to appear....dumbasses. I may play a lot of games but I get out in the sun for many hours each day, pushing tons of carts at my job, which counts as physical activity. So they can kiss my ass
Give your thumbs a for real.

k...instead of playing half life 2 I'll just wait for a simultaneous alien and combine threat to appear....dumbasses. I may play a lot of games but I get out in the sun for many hours each day, pushing tons of carts at my job, which counts as physical activity. So they can kiss my ass
You could always pull a GTA3 ^_^
Second one is stupid.

How many people get access to race tracks in real life.

That stuff is stupidly expensive.
Hahaha, time to get out and do it for real! You know, get out the Uzis, steal some cars, kill a few cops... I endorse these ads fully.
I like how they try to get us away from gaming and show us pictures of really ratty, unattractive settings. Plus, it's a known fact that gamers don't go outside.
I think I will now keep playing games forever. Look how out unhealthy they get when you just ignore them.

Its not that I feel sorry for them, its just that if and when I ever come back to them, I dont want them wheezing and coughing up blood when i hit a single.
The person/s behind the imagery in the posters should be fired because those actually look like they could be fun games if they were real, lol.

bums baseball

scrapheap nascar

trampland soccer

How would I play Super Mario Bros? Are they suggesting I crush turtles while tripping on shrooms? :|
How would I play Super Mario Bros? Are they suggesting I crush turtles while tripping on shrooms? :|

Beat up italian plumbers. Duh.

They didn't say you had to play from the part of the goodguy.
Well, I guess people do play Pac-Man in real life.