Giving up gaming :(


Space Core
Aug 25, 2004
Reaction score
Only for financial reasons. As of tomorrow my PC will be for communication and music only.

I am going to the shop to trade in my games and graphics card for about a 110 pounds or so because I am absolutely skint, Ill be starting uni in 3 weeks or so too meaning theres no proper means of acquiring dosh.

Ironically, once I start uni I will have plenty of money from loans and grants + family. especially once I start a part time job.
I might try and complete bioshock tonight though, do an all-nighter :P about halfway through or so I believe.
You could get a maintainence grant. I'm getting about 2.7k for free! Plus most uni's do bursaries, which is also free money.

Sucks your giving up though :(
Yeah im gettin a load of money once I start my course... until then.

*wears rags* :P

Im sure once I have some spare cash saved up next year Ill get me a nice graphics card and start owning some DX10 games, I still have my 2GB of RAM and Core 2 Duo.
Ill be starting uni in 3 weeks or so too meaning theres no proper means of acquiring dosh.

Ironically, once I start uni I will have plenty of money from loands and grants especially once I start a part time job.


I refuse to sell my Class A valve guitar amp though, it's like a child. My guitar is worthless, but has sentimental value (and has been upgraded \o/)
Plus, I got 40 pounds for my last gig I did with it :P
Aye, Ive barely played games much this year aswell so it's just... a waste.

Anyone want a PCI-e X1950pro 512mb :P

CEX'll only give me 60 odd quid for the bugger, boxed and everything ?_?
Good. In the long run, gaming has never improved my life. If anything, it's largely responsible for making it shit.

No offense dude, but almost all your posts are really depressing.

Neptune, you'll be back, YOU'LL SEE...
If gaming has been fun, it has imrpoved your life.

That said, I barely play any new games anymore. They are mostly the same old with new and improved visuals and subpar gameplay. I also cannot say that gaming has negativly influenced my life, but then again I have never had trouble doing something I should be doing instead of playing games.

Neptune, there are plenty of good freeware games (not warez), if you have some time to kill you can always try those.
I don't see why you need to give up gaming for financial reasons, there are so many torrents and cracks out there you never have to pay for a game
I used to have a hard time with "game addiction" it even got to the point where it started affecting my family life and I just said screw it and stopped letting it consume my life. That's what you have to do in the situation, play the damn games as they were meant to be played, as a fun distraction from reality, not a placeholder for responsibility.
but what about the orange box you fool?!
My video card broke last Sunday and it's been hell. I have over 200 channels on satelite tv and there is nothing to watch (no HBO, etc). BBC America always has stupid shows on like some alien thing. Discovery Channel is great but they always show re-runs. Labor day weekend stinks too and they are only showing the Aviator and Speed. EVGA says my replacement should arrive on Thursday. I don't know how I can survive or anybody without games. It's like my life is empty and there is just nothing to do.
Once my school starts, (Thursday), I'm pretty much cut off from games. I may smuggle my DS to school, and play it at night. :(.
@mastag - I was about to post the exact same thing!

@sea - You'd rather get banned then make a little effort to act a bit more cheery? Why are you even here, then?

On topic - Why even sell everything? Just tone down your game-playing time.. I mean, it seems like a big waste of money to sell everything for -10 times you payed for it, just put it in your closet, you'll want to play games again someday..
I spend all of my time on the computer anyway, if it's not gaming it's web surfing, if it's not web surfing, it's instant messaging, torrenting, music stuff, etc....
Sounds to me like he's not giving it up due to playing too much or anything, but because he needs the money. That sucks that you have to give up something you like just to last three weeks man.
I spend all of my time on the computer anyway, if it's not gaming it's web surfing, if it's not web surfing, it's instant messaging, torrenting, music stuff, etc....

That's what I've been turning to lately. I've calmed down on the gaming a ton, mostly turning to listening to music, downloading, chatting with people on MSN, etc. This is partly the reason why I want a laptop; chat and listen to music in this chair or on a big poofy couch?
That's what I've been turning to lately. I've calmed down on the gaming a ton, mostly turning to listening to music, downloading, chatting with people on MSN, etc. This is partly the reason why I want a laptop; chat and listen to music in this chair or on a big poofy couch?
I did that gig and ended up regretting it! Thinking about sitting on that big poof chair is a lot easier than actually doing it... unplugging it, moving it around, worrying about the battery, it getting so hot it's burning you, finding a comfortable position to actually type in, finding you actually want to play a new game but that even the better laptops are crap for games...
That's what I've been turning to lately. I've calmed down on the gaming a ton, mostly turning to listening to music, downloading, chatting with people on MSN, etc. This is partly the reason why I want a laptop; chat and listen to music in this chair or on a big poofy couch?

Same here. I dont even have cable television, so all my "nothing to do" time is spent on the computer. I think in the past year and a half, the only games I have played seriously are Rome: Total War, God of War 2, Stalker and Bioshock.

Rest of my free time is spent watching movies, messaging, or working.
I haven't played anything decent (Besides Fallout) for the last half-year, so meh.
I'm gonna have to start studying like shit, I didn't do that great last year but for the second semester I blame on multivariable calc, however easy it may have been for some, it was torture to death, especially with the teacher I had. I have what I would say are easier courses this year, but in a larger load, study or doom.
Meh, call me a loser but I don't find much satisfaction in most anything other than computer stuff. If I found a girl I could stand the presence of long-term, maybe that would do it.

But most of my time is not spent actually gaming, but web surfing, here, research, and on my writing, minor programming, and finding things to spend what little money I have on. I don't spend much money on gaming, either... I need to start using the library rather than Borders or I won't be able to afford the orange box.
Well I have music to thank for prying me away from games controlling my life, as music became my new passion, and the guitar blah blah. I still play them regulary though, but only the truely epic games interest me now, otherwise I couldn't care less.
you do realize that you dont have to play every game at 1600x1200 at ultra settings... right? just get an alrite comp for work/school, game on that as well, and dont waste a lot of money

Good. In the long run, gaming has never improved my life. If anything, it's largely responsible for making it shit.

when im gaming im at home off the streets and not getting in trouble. positive influence i suppose. responsibility lies on your shoulders- dont scapegoat.
You could just, you know, get a part-time job.

It not only will it bring in much needed cash, it'll also have the effect of limiting playing time making the time you do get that much more special.

Who'd have thought!
I did that several years ago. Now I play at most three hours per month.
I understand your position. One day when things are a bit better you'll be back.
I dont know how people can sit around listening to music/web surfing for most of their. This forum is the only website I actually spend more than 10 minutes on, but otherwise when I'm not gaming I gotta get out and do stuff, like actually socialize with friends, go out biking, camping, whatever. I'd go crazy if I spent my whole day sitting in front of a screen listening to music.

(btw, sorry if I stereotyped a bit, not everyone is like my description)
If i gave up lego, ill probably make a few thousand.

If i sold it together with my psp and other consoles such as xbox and my pc ill probably make a sum thats OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND
Money is made, where help is needed.

And you can't turn away from games.
One day you will know what i mean.
You've lost control of yourself, unknowingly.
You can't live without games and soon...very will be begging for more!(games)
Outcome.. still uncertian... I have a reckless urge to keep my PC and recklessly use my student overdraft for the next couple of weeks to keep me in the money.
I'm using 18th birthday money plus some stuff I've saved for a few months to build a PC that should future-proof me for maybe 3 years like my current one has. That'll carry me 2 years out of school for me to get a job that pays enough to be worthy of upgrading it again. It's my financial plan and I'm a-running with it.