Glass Error


Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
No matter what i do, my glass keeps showing up like this.

have env_cubemap mapped to the glass's face, a working skybox, water works fine in the same level, and all the other faces of the glass box are nodraw textured.

any help is REALLY appreciated, or if someone could send me a working glass in vmf, that would rock.


*screenshot attached.
Its the cubemap, you must type generatecubemap in the console why playing, but that command is broken now so no refelection for us until it is fixed.
so if its the cubemap, why does the water work, and the windows in CS:S and all the tutorials i see (showing it working)?

or did CS:S generate there cubemaps from a working version, and the other people have the anon?
I belive water uses the cubemap in a different fashion that doesnt require generate_cubemap, and the official CS:S maps has them working becouse it prolly works if you have HL2 as well...
now that i have placed a window where it can be seen a bit better, it has the purple checker overlayed on it....
oh wait.... this is funny...

i shutdown hammer, and started CS:S normally, and it looks right.