glass must be rectagular?


Aug 16, 2004
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Hey, I have created breakable glass that is in a triangle shape and when the map starts I get an error that says:"Drawn face isn't in a quad."

Does that mean breakable windows must be rectangular?
can or can't you make a deformed quad? At least then you could have it be trapezoidal.
Well I don't know much about mapping, but cant you just make a triangular window frame with a rectangular pane of glass behind it... ?
made a hole in the wall for the window triangle shape, then stick a regular shaped window into it. Isn't perfect but should work.
yea, you can do it, it just won't have the edges that a square window will.
you could make 3 panes of glass overlapping, each one aligned to one side of the triangle frame so that you get the edges...
yea just leave it a rectangle but u can still put it thru things and it wont be affected
I give you triangles!!! And something I dont know wtf it is tbh...

rofl @ second pic :LOL:

I take it that vertex manipulation won't work either.
Nope, square windows it is. I believe it'd be hard to make it look right with twisted glass that has to shatter like the squareone does.

I had this problem myself when I was constructing a guardtower for my new map... And, well... It was quite amusing, though I didn't think so at the time. One of the glasses would, when shot, resort to some visual twisting. Instead of lying down it'd rotate from _ to | (compared |_, it wasn't in the actual position of the original glass). You could still walk over the place where it was SUPPOSED to be and see it shatter beside you and hear the sound. Also, the piece that flipped was square...

It's a damn shame though. You can still have regular (Oldstyle) breakable glass in any ways you want.
ok looking back on my last post...i now realize that it is possible t reshape glass, and also if u keep the quadri-glass then you might have glass breaking thru the wall and this may look cheesy to most, but who cares what anyone thinks
just try this...make a block....transform it to make a triangle....texture it with nodraw....then texture the faces you want to be glass and make sure you tie it to the func_breakable entity if you want it breakable...and if this doesnt work i dont know
Guess no one saw my triangle...
SixThree said:
Guess no one saw my triangle...

oh...oh yea...guess im an idiot...oh well i guess evryone else feels as stupid as i do now....great TRIANGLE by the way
SixThree said:
Guess no one saw my triangle...

make a small movie of what it looks like being shattered. thats what matters the most