Glenn Beck urges military to side with the revolution

Oh my god if the US becomes the first country ever to have a civil war due to the government trying to improve the healthcare system it would just be...I don't know. I used to think the stereotypes about most Americans being retarded was silly. I'm no longer sure.
I love the people that were for wall street bailouts and now want to start a revolution because of the healthcare bill. I think the healthcare bill was really shitty, but I've seen our government do far more shittier things over the years.
Oh my god if the US becomes the first country ever to have a civil war due to the government trying to improve the healthcare system it would just be...I don't know. I used to think the stereotypes about most Americans being retarded was silly. I'm no longer sure.

This. This is retarded. "Let's have a revolution because the State is actually doing something to help people."
Oh my god if the US becomes the first country ever to have a civil war due to the government trying to improve the healthcare system it would just be...I don't know. I used to think the stereotypes about most Americans being retarded was silly. I'm no longer sure.

Hmm.. something about blacks and wanting a better quality of life...

I think we have had a civil war about something like that.
Hmm.. something about blacks and wanting a better quality of life...

I think we have had a civil war about something like that.
The South's motivation for war wasn't a desire to retain the blacks in slavery, but rather an opposition to the heavy tariffs on Southern imports and exports. Never has the fact that the victors write the history been more obvious than in the case of the American civil war.
The South's motivation for war wasn't a desire to retain the blacks in slavery, but rather an opposition to the heavy tariffs on Southern imports and exports. Never has the fact that the victors write the history been more obvious than in the case of the American civil war.

I was being sardonic. That's actually what they teach us in school.