Global Disaster, what would you do?


Sep 7, 2004
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I'm curious, obviously everyone thinks differently. I was watching "War of the Worlds" with Tom Cruise a few months back and after a few thoughts today. I wondered if there was a global disaster or threat, like a Asteroid or Alien invasion.

What would you do? The possibilites are endless and I guess it depends on the situation. Would you obey the law? Try to help friends? Fight back? Loot?

Myself would fight to get in some protection bunker or whatever. If breaking the law to save my life is necessary, I would. I guess it is human nature. That when your at risk of death, you do anything possible to survive.

Discuss. :borg:
Probably hide in the floor space. If Nuclear. If something else, dunno.
I'd start a clan, or join one. Clans are always fun. We'd then have clan wars n stuff.
SHIPPI said:
If I didn't die straight away.. I'd find other survivors and try to carry on living I guess. I doubt there'd be many laws left after a global disaster, i'd try to keep out of trouble and find somewhere safe.
someone's been watching Mad Max :LOL:
I'd hire Chuck Norris as a bodyguard.

Or just make my computer into a shock gun :p
I'd take advanytage of the situation and start a revolution, problem is the far-left revolutionaries is split over the most minor of issues. I can imagine a sitution with 4 groups all with soviet flags and attire almost about to take control but end up fighting each other .

"Kill that lennist!"
"But we're lennist"
"Yes but he once read a book on Trotsky!"
Probably do my best to stay safe, but always carry a pistol with one bullet left in it, so just in case something bad happens, I could take my own life, and nobody else will torture me or something.
Alaska has lots of weapons and I live right next to a couple military bases.

I'd stock up, find a bunker, park my ass a few days, then do whatever.

Chances are we'd be spared any of the real turmoil being so remote.
_Z_Ryuken said:
Alaska has lots of weapons and I live right next to a couple military bases.

I'd stock up, find a bunker, park my ass a few days, then do whatever.

Chances are we'd be spared any of the real turmoil being so remote.
Oh, and I'd move to Alaska, Ryuken will keep me safe.
CyberPitz said:
Oh, and I'd move to Alaska, Ryuken will keep me safe.
I'd get my mover buddies to grab a few trailers, raid a Wal-Mart, then head to the AFB and we'd be set in style.
I hope this future apocalypse is zombie related. If so, I'm quite confident in my survival ability.
Shippi, we could band together and re-populate the British Isle's.
Solaris said:
Shippi, we could band together and re-populate the British Isle's.
I'm quite sure making advances on a mod is against the TOS somehow :dozey: .
If something on a global scale were to happen, I would do nothing. Because you KNOW something dramatic and impossible will happen just as we are about to die. Just like every other crappy movie ending. (War of the Worlds definitely. They all die of a disease?? Retarded.)
if it was a global disaster I'd just wait for jesus to fly by on a magic carpet, carpet-jack his sorry ass and then it's like "hasta luego, jebus you got mofo owned" and then it's up to heaven I go! first thing I'm doing is getting drunk
It depends on the situation but i have a plan for most incidents.
Being prepared is the key, i'm very well prepared.
short recoil said:
It depends on the situation but i have a plan for most incidents.
Being prepared is the key, i'm very well prepared.

London Times headline circa 2011 ad

"Tsunami headed for the UK veers off at last minute; Britain saved by act of god."

page 10: "Local Man loses life when accidentily misplaces pin on home made gernade" ..was overheard saying "I regret nothing" before blowing up
hehe, well in the case of an economy collapse the prefered situation would be..

own a home in the country, a remote village = win

own your own energy supply that can last you for a few years atleast.. solar cells etc

beable to grow your own food, preferably fruits and veg.

make sure you constantly stock up if there are even remote fears of a collapse.

be close to a river or fresh water supply.

Ive got it all planned out
I'd sit here, because nothing happens in Idaho.
War of the Worlds, disease death end = stupid. I agree. Would of been better if the paced the idea out abit, not "oh look their dying" 2minutes later you find out from disease. Meh.

We should make an action plan, that all members combine to make a revoloution.
Mutley said:
War of the Worlds, disease death end = stupid. I agree. Would of been better if the paced the idea out abit, not "oh look their dying" 2minutes later you find out from disease. Meh.

We should make an action plan, that all members combine to make a revoloution.
Combine ay? Does that involve being pressed against each other? I know who I'm combining with :naughty::naughty::naughty:
CptStern said:

Get to the country. While stupid, rednecks take care of and watch out for each other.
Grab an MK23, several thousand rounds, a nice high-caliber sniper rifle, several thousand rounds, a shotgun, several thousand rounds, lots of grenades, an XM8 rifle, and maybe some RPGs.

Then burn them all and dance naked.
sit on the roof with my G3. and tell everyone to stay away from ma porch mkay?