Global warming is caused by...

It did say that they dont know which has the greater impact, the sun or greenhouse gases. You can be sure that some polluting companies are going to use this to justify what they are doing.

And I wonder who funded the research?
cool, i'm gonna go burn some tires now, along with exploding a few old refrigerators...
Everyone knows that, we get the proof very day, when our part of the world begins facing the sun and it warms us up.

It's the extreme speed at which the global warming is happening that is the problem, plus that combined with the fact that humans have destoryed much of the habitat of animals and are using way to much of the scarece resources we have.

9/11 proved that we have a big impact on the temperature. Now the reason you reps still believe that we have no influnce on it is basicly the same reason you still defend bush and the war in Iraq, and noumerouse other things. It's because when confronted with something that doesn't fit your world view, you do not adjust it, not look critically at it. You simply ignore it an make up lies, and will continue doing it even when your six feet under water.

BBc article on global dimming

The 9/11 connection
alot of poeple use the: "OMG YOU ARE DESTROYING OUR EARTH" thing for their on agenda
like in so many issues
Well when we experience global incineration, I'll blame it mostly on the sun and not so much people.
why do people care so much about global warming? hell, if that means more beach weather for longer, I'm all for it
I actually like the know hot weather kinda gets boring after a while.
golbal warming is real but b4 everybody realises that we have ****ed our planet, lots of little studys will come out.

Yeh the sun is hot, Yes its getting hotter in just under 1millions years i think it will engulf the planet.

oh dear all our chrildrens chrildren will die

we wont be able to sort it by then but if we **** up our atmosphere now we will now about it.

3rdly with all the sudden changes in the wether i relate these to nature when any specis get to big nature finds a natural way to fine them out, We are sitting on a ticking timebomb

we are ****ing this world up ourselfs and we will feel the conquscences
Well if there wasn't any global warming from the Sun we'd be pretty dead.
Did you actually read the entire article before you posted this? Well I actually did and found the following interesting:

Dr Solanki said that the brighter Sun and higher levels of "greenhouse gases", such as carbon dioxide, both contributed to the change in the Earth's temperature but it was impossible to say which had the greater impact.

He added, however, that the study also showed that over the past 20 years the number of sunspots had remained roughly constant, while the Earth's temperature had continued to increase.

This suggested that over the past 20 years, human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation had begun to dominate "the natural factors involved in climate change", he said.

Dr Gareth Jones, a climate researcher at the Met Office, said that Dr Solanki's findings were inconclusive because the study had not incorporated other potential climate change factors.

"The Sun's radiance may well have an impact on climate change but it needs to be looked at in conjunction with other factors such as greenhouse gases, sulphate aerosols and volcano activity," he said. The research adds weight to the views of David Bellamy, the conservationist. "Global warming - at least the modern nightmare version - is a myth," he said. "I am sure of it and so are a growing number of scientists. But what is really worrying is that the world's politicians and policy-makers are not.

EDIT: I would just like to point out how much I respect the international media. Look at that article, it is one of the most balanced articles I've seen. In the states any contradicting information would have been left out, here you can study both points and figure out which makes more sense.
If we can somehow launch pluto into the sun, all will be solved!
Raziaar said:
If we can somehow launch pluto into the sun, all will be solved!

:LOL: :LOL: that was most entertaining to read..and quite rediculous. I don't think that would fact, it would probably make things worse..and I'm not talking about global warming at this point.
No Limit said:
Did you actually read the entire article before you posted this? Well I actually did and found the following interesting:

EDIT: I would just like to point out how much I respect the international media. Look at that article, it is one of the most balanced articles I've seen. In the states any contradicting information would have been left out, here you can study both points and figure out which makes more sense.

Yes I did read the entire article. I just thought it was funny since environmentalism does seem to be a religion to some people, and this may shake the very foundation of their faith.
Global warming of a sort is happening, but it's neither as dangerously terrible or preventable as is always said.

Maybe CO2 is a minor cause, but I've seen much better evidence that it stems mostly from heat generated by urban centres, or in this case, the sun.

Either way, it's only maybe a half-degree heat-up in a hundred years. Money could be spent better on other things. Like finding a solution to this crazy oil crisis. (I say ride bikes, duh.)

Logical thought isn't liberal or conservative. And in this case, there's no reason to buy a hundred-dollar sponge and cry over milk that hasn't been spilt yet.

I'd like to wait for a scientific concensus before this becomes another 'electrical wires cause cancer / whoops no they don't' revision.

Hybrid and electric cars are still awesome though. I want one.
Mechagodzilla said:
Global warming of a sort is happening, but it's neither as dangerously terrible or preventable as is always said.

Maybe CO2 is a minor cause, but I've seen much better evidence that it stems mostly from heat generated by urban centres, or in this case, the sun.

Either way, it's only maybe a half-degree heat-up in a hundred years. Money could be spent better on other things. Like finding a solution to this crazy oil crisis. (I say ride bikes, duh.)

Logical thought isn't liberal or conservative. And in this case, there's no reason to buy a hundred-dollar sponge and cry over milk that hasn't been spilt yet.

I'd like to wait for a scientific concensus before this becomes another 'electrical wires cause cancer / whoops no they don't' revision.

Hybrid and electric cars are still awesome though. I want one.

QFT :)
I thought you were talking about the British Newspaper when i first read the thread.
Hapless said:
Yes I did read the entire article. I just thought it was funny since environmentalism does seem to be a religion to some people, and this may shake the very foundation of their faith.

Hapless, there's nothing there to change anyone's opinion. So any shaking of foundations is probably going to be pretty limited.
dream431ca said:
:LOL: :LOL: that was most entertaining to read..and quite rediculous. I don't think that would fact, it would probably make things worse..and I'm not talking about global warming at this point.

actually it would end all our problems........ along with everything else.