Glock 17 (in progress)


Jan 21, 2004
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Hey, I decided to make a Glock 17 to test my skills (even though I don't have any). It's about 45% done so you can see some visible deformations in it. I'll post some more pics as it progresses but I'd just like to know if I'm heading in the right direction here... It doesn't feel like it.


Here are the links to some pictures:

Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3
when you looks at it, it doesnt look to me like id want to hold it. looks like itd...bite my hand off. the back of the grip is way too square, you should have atleast 4 sections in there, and smooth it off ! im not an expert on the shape of glocks, but to me it seems too thin, i dunno. the trigger is definitely too thin, as well as possibly the guard. ive always thought glocks to be quite chunky, but meh iver never seen one.
That's because it's only half of the gun since I'm using plane modeling.

The poly count is 453 so far.

And, I'll try to fix the grip (every time I try it messes it up, it always looks glitchy and creates lighting problems).
Ok, I've added some small things and fixed some problems with the model and here is a render of it so far :


I just have to add a few more details and even things out (I hope).
I think its looking quite good for the amount of pollyies you have used. But if this is a hl2 model i would recommend adding a few extra especially in the handle to round it out a bit.
But is it a good model for someone who has been modeling for about 4 months?

How long have you guys been modeling? I'm asking this because I want to get into the game business when I grow up, and I wanna know If I should just quit now.

* Oh yeah and the polly count now is 882 because I added the other side and a few details *
it would have massive smoothgroups structure problems but it looks quite nice.
yeah, its come a long way, but theres no real need in putting those little dents in the fron of the trigger guard, but meh...doesnt matter. yes, it is a good model for someone whos been modelling for 4 months, although a wireframe might make me change my mind :p. looks like this is gonna get real messy :)
Here's the wireframe:


the grip is kind of messy, but overall I think it's pretty tidy..
I've added some more things:


I think I'm done other than the grip (which I can't fix because something wierd keeps happening).
Can't you select all the edges then connect?
If it screws up the edges just put them to place on your own.
I hope you don't mind the quick paint over, but it looks like the cylinder that you used for the barrel has a bunch of un-needed sections. I hoope the picture will let you know what I am talking about.


You can remove the edges that I have highlighted, if in fact this is the barrel.
nice, and.. yes its good for someone who has been into modeling fro 4 months if its only a hobbie... and if you are doing it right now just for fun!
you're missing a few things if you're trying to model a newer version of the glock 17


The newer model glocks have the accessory rails under the barrel, figer grooves on the grip, and a cut-out part of the forward grip for easier mag removal.

Bur your model is pretty accurate for the first gen versions of the glock. But you are still missing the mag release button and slide lock lever.