gmail benching


Oct 9, 2003
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i have an over abudnace of gmail invites so i decided to turn one into a test. my goal is to see how long it takes to fill up a gmail aco**** with usless email spam. best way i thought of this was free porn sites. you can use other sites that you wish but make sure they will spam alot. the account is [email protected]
what a great way of collecting email addresses for spammers... :/
burnzie said:
He just wants pr0n... :naughty:


ill update if people help along. takes alot of repetitive work that im not willing to do alone
I already submitted you to 5 FREE STUFF websites and atleast a few porn sites.
go to and give away your email address.
well not including the 10 sites i signed up to ive only gotten 4 others :(
post in a lot of guest books on popular websites with the email. Thats how spammers harvest most of the time. Check what spam you already have and click unsubscribe then they know your address is live and send you more shit.
Just find a few high-volume mailing lists. Sign up for the Debian-User linux mailing list. Try the Apache Jakarta Tomcat user mailing list. Umm.. I could dig up a few more. But those should get you started in filling up gmail. This is assuming you dont care what the emails are and you don't specifically want spam.
LAYP said:
post in a lot of guest books on popular websites with the email. Thats how spammers harvest most of the time. Check what spam you already have and click unsubscribe then they know your address is live and send you more shit.
Unsubscribing does actually work BTW.

I used to get loads of spam, then i decided to follow all the links and email back every thing i got doing whatever they asked for me to do stop getting emails from them. Now i vet VERY little smam (1 a week sort of thing).

P.S. this is hotmail, spam protection on the lowest level.
Revisedsoul said:
i have an over abudnace of gmail invites so i decided to turn one into a test. my goal is to see how long it takes to fill up a gmail aco**** with usless email spam. best way i thought of this was free porn sites. you can use other sites that you wish but make sure they will spam alot. the account is [email protected]
Sign up for a bunch of popular Yahoo! groups and tell them to send each individual post to you as an e-mail.