Gman at the Inn Ambush. (new sighting?)


Jun 20, 2006
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Found this in the new garrysmod beta, the scenes from the game don't load so he stayed there.

Please tell me if this has been discussed already.

It wasn't believed for a while, but yes, it's in and a few people have seen it before. Says so on the Wikipedia article.
Ya and he was right there, yet he couldn't warn us of the ambush. I get a feeling he doesn't really want to help us or it's just that his restrictions can't have him doing that sort of thing.
Ya and he was right there, yet he couldn't warn us of the ambush. I get a feeling he doesn't really want to help us or it's just that his restrictions can't have him doing that sort of thing.
There was quite a lot of ammo in that house at least. G-Man when used has often pointed the way to objectives and ammunition, though covertly so and not without a degree of hazard resulting.
Awesome. Is there a video of this anywhere (the actual sighting)? I'd love to see! :)
If we notice, the only times we see gman without is briefcase is in his 'realm' at the beginning of ep1 nd the bit in ep2, maybe its some sort of gman life support for being on
I know you can see his briefcase with noclip. But can you see it in-game without cheats? If not, they might just have used the default model again since it doesn't matter.

I think it was made clear that whatever his briefcase is or holds is directly related to Gordon. His briefcase disappeared right when you were snatched away by the vortigaunts, and it has not been seen since. This might be coincidence, but I'll bet it's very deliberate.
When his image flashes on the moneter after watching Judiths message, he has the breif case. If if remember corectly, i think he held it in the other hand.
Ah, forgot that. Well, that punches a big hole in my theory then.
I checked my screen shot of it again. He's either holding the case in his left hand or has his back to the screen. I wonder if it means anything...
I know you can see his briefcase with noclip. But can you see it in-game without cheats? If not, they might just have used the default model again since it doesn't matter.

I think it was made clear that whatever his briefcase is or holds is directly related to Gordon. His briefcase disappeared right when you were snatched away by the vortigaunts, and it has not been seen since. This might be coincidence, but I'll bet it's very deliberate.

I think his briefcase is also what anchors him into earths dimension. In ep 1 he was not seen anywhere. It would be stupid to think that the Gman couldnt find gordon without the help of the breifcase, its pretty easy to find someone that leaves a trail of distruction in his wake.

The model in garrysmod doesn't have the proper .qc settings that removes his case

G-man does not have his briefcase at the Inn.
But I've found him there before while no-clipping around in EP2 and he had the briefcase.
Look (excuse the gnome):

Unless the briefcase disappears when he moves (he didn't move until I caused the force field to come up, and I missed him moving), I think he doesn't have his briefcase in his "realm" only. Also, the fact that Garrys Mod doesn't support the no-briefcase Gman is annoying.

edit: I zoomed in on the picture with the actual sighting, and I can just see the briefcase behind his leg.
Unless the briefcase disappears when he moves (he didn't move until I caused the force field to come up, and I missed him moving), I think he doesn't have his briefcase in his "realm" only. Also, the fact that Garrys Mod doesn't support the no-briefcase Gman is annoying.

edit: I zoomed in on the picture with the actual sighting, and I can just see the briefcase behind his leg.

:O ..

Someone needs to tell us what's in his briefcase in ep3, god damnit.
:O ..

Someone needs to tell us what's in his briefcase in ep3, god damnit.

If memory serves me right and it's the same briefcase in half-life 1, then it contains a pistol, some paper, a couple of pens, and an ID card.
and a laptop.

oh yeah, and a lappy 486. forgot about that one. :)

according to wikipedia, it has:
"3 pencils
2 scribbled sheets of paper
A handgun in a holster
An identity card
A portable computer
In addition, in Opposing Force, the G-Man is seen for a moment talking on a cell phone."(way or may not be in the briefcase)
oh yeah, and a lappy 486. forgot about that one. :)

according to wikipedia, it has:
"3 pencils
2 scribbled sheets of paper
A handgun in a holster
An identity card
A portable computer
In addition, in Opposing Force, the G-Man is seen for a moment talking on a cell phone."(way or may not be in the briefcase)
Yeah, but seeing as you had to no-clip to find it, I doubt that's the real contents. But the cell-phone puzzled me. He hasn't used it since... so I dunno.
here it is on my game. he has the breif case at the inn.


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