GMC Italian Review Details



Well...the long awaited moment! The first review of HL2 I can actually touch with my hands. And it's's alot more than I expected. Finally, I can contribute to this forum that many times helped me out! Now, i'm writing down some info and, in a short time, I'm going to add the translation of the most meaningful lines (I've got no time to read it...grrr...) if this doesn't infgringe any copyright! Maybe someone posted it already but I want anyway to give you my 2 cents...

"Half-Life 2: A wait was never so repaid!!!"

This sentence alone worths my personal daily satisfaction. :)
I think the reviewer had the same fear I have of spending so much time for a game revealing itself as "crap"! So, this line means that HL2 is very very special.


Ok, nothing new here but looking at a box, alongside the review, I found the reviewer saying that HL2 deserved a 10!!! They don't give that any game 'cause that's their policy. They say this in the box to justify the not reached 10/10 goal for HL2 (I've really never seen a reviewer justifying himself for the vote given).

I'll post some other stuff shortly...

Bye :)

Good stuff. I wouldn't expect a 100%, as that would mean the game is completely perfect, and I doubt it due to current reviews.
I reckon we'd have got a 99% if an original multiplayer was there.
Yes, but still, the singleplayer package sounds like it alone has been worth the wait
im still confused
why VALVe did not make a HL2 DM ? =\
DigiQ8 said:
im still confused
why VALVe did not make a HL2 DM ? =\

i really dont see why everyone is so worked up about the dm, hl dm wasnt that great in my opinion
m0rb1d said:
i really dont see why everyone is so worked up about the dm, hl dm wasnt that great in my opinion

Never played crossfire with 5-6 clanmates on LAN??
It is GREAT fun.....
more details rea please. did they complain about the game being short?
rrm said:
more details rea please. did they complain about the game being short?
No reviews thus far have complained about it being short. I doubt this mag will be an exception!
yeah, but the strange thing is that it's short in fact
They didn't include a HL2DM, because there still testing with vehicles online.
rrm said:
yeah, but the strange thing is that it's short in fact

The game takes about 20 hours (give or take) or so to complete. How on earth is that short by FPS standards? Would you rather have had a 30 hour game that was largely mediocre punctuated by some some moments of brilliance or a game that was brilliant from start to finish?!?

Good Lord people. let's be reasonable!
The HL2 video is exclusive footage with Italian voice-overs.

Andrea Minini
Publishing Director GMC
And please, no translation of our review here. It'd definitely violate our copyrights. Thanks! :)
Mmmm... exclusive footage! I hope that means NEW footage! But take your time and give us the details revealed in that review. With the 6th preload and all, though, I really hope we're close to gold now. I've got a birthday next Monday and it would be a very nice bday present! Come on, go G O L D! :)

EDIT: Oh right, no direct translations of course, but I suppose he's still allowed to give us a brief summary? Perhaps there's something new that we haven't heard before.
Give us some more non-direct translated material :) Just translate and put it in your own words..
gorman said:
And please, no translation of our review here. It'd definitely violate our copyrights. Thanks! :)

Is it allowed for others to post single lines from the review? Or otherwise post translations of certain captions in your own words?
PvtRyan said:
Is it allowed for others to post single lines from the review? Or otherwise post translations of certain captions in your own words?
It's a very thin like to be walking. On the one hand, there would be no problem for a single guy to describe a little bit of what we are saying. On the other hand, if multiple users start doing this, the thread as a whole would be closely approaching copyright infringements, which would then go down on the site owners (something we'd rather avoid as it's not our policy to break great fansite's balls). :)
gorman said:
It's a very thin like to be walking. On the one hand, there would be no problem for a single guy to describe a little bit of what we are saying. On the other hand, if multiple users start doing this, the thread as a whole would be closely approaching copyright infringements, which would then go down on the site owners (something we'd rather avoid as it's not our policy to break great fansite's balls). :)

Okay, I understand, thanks. :)
I'll tell you why there is no HLDM2. Because about 3 people play original hldm, and it wouldn't be worth the trouble and in making dm on par with the single player game. If valve had thrown dm in there, the single player part would suffer and bring the total package down.

the majority of people play the myriad of mods out there including cs, dod, tfc, nat. sel. and others.
gorman said:
And please, no translation of our review here. It'd definitely violate our copyrights. Thanks! :)
check out my thread on the tgm forum then.. asd

just kidding, i personally asked mods to close that thread as soon as GMC hit the shelves
2 days to complete the game is short in my book
rrm said:
2 days to complete the game is short in my book

What do you want? An RPG length game? HL2 is about the same amount of time as Far Cry and Doom 3. Actually look at it this way, Far Cry would've taken FAR less than the 20 hours it took me to complete if there were quick saves but it took me longer because of the replaying of certain parts because they were near impossible.

As for Doom 3, that was probably a 10 hour game extended to 20 because of the sheer repeition of events. It probably would've been a much better game if it were shorter rather than the tedium that it got to around the middle of the game.

And you can complete the original Half Life in the same amount of time as well. As for two days to complete the game, if you want to play for 10 hours a day then that's fine. But most of us have lives and have other obligations.

And then there's the time you'll spend replaying certain scenes to try different things and playing around with the physics, etc.

If you're going to complain about the length of the game, then do us all a favor and just don't buy it in the first place.
m0rb1d said:
i really dont see why everyone is so worked up about the dm, hl dm wasnt that great in my opinion

The fans will make a better DM mod, hehe. "Combine assault" where there's an endless stream of combines (or other enemies) and you have to stay alive as long as you can. :D
rrm said:
2 days to complete the game is short in my book

Only if you played 10 hours per day. 20 hours long, 1 + 1/2 hours per day = 13 days. Almost two weeks. Long enough for you now? :p
perrkele said:
Oh right, no direct translations of course, but I suppose he's still allowed to give us a brief summary? Perhaps there's something new that we haven't heard before.
Fair use laws, at least here in the US, say that he's allowed to quote excerpts from the review but not the whole article or even a significant portion it.
rrm said:
2 days to complete the game is short in my book
That's if you're playing 10 hours a day! Some of us only have an hour or two a night to play games, so even if 20 hours is a hard length, it'd still take me a good week or two to get through the whole thing, and that's only if I played every night. Besides, PC Gamer US indicated that there is a lot of exploration to be done, so that 20 hours could easily be stretched to 25 or 30.

Still, Once Half-Life 2 is released, I predict there will be folks who'll blow through the game as quickly as possible then complain that it was too short because they were able to beat it in a single 12 hour sitting while others won't even be a third of the way through by the 12 hour mark.
the game seems short compared to what it was shaping up to be last year, remember it was supposed to be 36 hours long?

the game was rushed, get over it. they cut a lot of interesting stuff. just look at the map list. and the official multiplayer is a rushed port of cs

anyway it's 15-20 hours, can be beaten in say 3 nights, like d3

of course thank god it seems to have a lot of replay value
"the game was rushed, get over it."

I would hardly call a year's worth of work being rushed - we obviously have different definitions of rushed. Besides, things do get cut in EVERY game or movie because they either don't work within the context of the plot or gameplay elements. It's called editing to make the final product tighter and more cohesive.

It probably was 36 hours long at one point, and once Valve started to play those levels, they realized that those levels simply didn't work well in the story they were trying to tell or they were just plain boring.

But it's your opinion and you're entitled to it - even if it's just wrong :p
Considering they've spent years perfecting the gameplay, I wouldn't call the game rushed. They just bit off more than they could chew.
"I would hardly call a year's worth of work being rushed - we obviously have different definitions of rushed. Besides, things do get cut in EVERY game or movie because they either don't work within the context of the plot or gameplay elements. It's called editing to make the final product tighter and more cohesive.

It probably was 36 hours long at one point, and once Valve started to play those levels, they realized that those levels simply didn't work well in the story they were trying to tell or they were just plain boring."


ever seen the leak/mappack?

they just weren't able to get stuff done in time. blame poor planning

btw by looking at the map list I think I have already seen almost the whole game
Mountain Man said:
It's been delayed for over a year, and you say they're rushing it?

He's probably comparing it to the o so representative leak. Because everything in the leak that is missing in the final game is more evidence to him that it was rushed, Valve must have thought a year ago "geez, it's a big game, lets delay it for a year to have enough time to delete half of it". It probably didn't occur to him that maps get cut because they a) don't work b) are tedious c) are redundant and only there to make the game longer.
"ever seen the leak/mappack?

they just weren't able to get stuff done in time. blame poor planning

btw by looking at the map list I think I have already seen almost the whole game"

PvtRyan: I think he just confirmed that :p
rrm said:
ever seen the leak/mappack?
I'm proud to say that no, I haven't.

they just weren't able to get stuff done in time.
And you have proof of this? Oh, that's right, you've seen the stolen work in progress build. Did it ever occur to you that Valve cut stuff simply because it wasn't up to the high standards they've set for themselves and not because they felt "rushed"?

Point being, there are countless legitimate reasons for cutting content from a game. It doesn't have to be because the developers were rushing.

btw by looking at the map list I think I have already seen almost the whole game
That's what you get for downloading stolen software. Serves you right that your Half-Life 2 experience would be spoiled.