Gmod10 freezes on connect



I've purchased Gmod10 on Steam, and when I load it up, it works as it should. In single player, it works as it should.

But when I join a multiplayer server, it simply freezes on connect.

It freezes in the "sending client data" dialog, exactly where it should go into the game.

Every other source game works, including HL2 and TF2 and CSS, so its not a hardware problem, or a source problem. Yet, I've re-installed everything, including steam, and re-downloaded Gmod. Same problem. I've even re-installed and updated all hardware and graphics drivers, but it changed nothing.

My computer specifications: AMD Athlon 64 AM2 X2 4000+ (2.0-2.2Ghz clock frequency), 2048 MB DDR2 buffered PC667-RAM, Club3d Geforce 8500GT 512MB RAM.

No other hardware problems, stable system, no overclocking.
What do you mean by 'freeze'? Does your entire computer stop responding (meaning you have to do a full reboot) or just CSS?

It could be a router problem. Are you behind a router? Make sure all the necessary ports are open (, and then try again.
With freeze, I mean just Gmod/CSS. I have to close it by stopping the hl2-process though. I am behind a router, but why would I be having problems with Gmod, and not any other HL2 Source online games, such as TF2?
Anyone? Anything to say? I need any help you can give me.
Validate your GMOD 10 files? Delete your ClientRegistry.blob file? Double check to see your correct Internet connection speed is set?