Go multicard with 8800gts 512


Jul 22, 2006
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I just got my new computer a few months ago and have an 8800gts 512, my Dad told me that if I can find the same card at a fairly cheap price that he'd buy it for me and have two 8800gts 512's in SLI.

Question is, is it worth it? Should I try to get a second card or just wait/save up for a nw card altogether?
Dunno why you'd ever feel the need for an SLI setup with a card that can already play Crysis with formidable frame rates.
The 8800 GTS is a fine card that should last you a while. Unless you plan on playing at resolutions of 1920x1200 or above, there is really no need for SLI with your card. I would advise you to save up.
I do game on a 1920 x 1200 monitor, that's why I was considering a second card. I'm starting to think that I'll just save for some new future card or something, besides, I can always just drop the res in some games.
You could also try reselling your current card and put it towards the new card. The 4870 is incredible for the price. It can be had for $255:


sold my 8800 GTS (old model) and upgraded to a 4850 for pretty much free.
I'd like to also add something worth mentioning:

You must also consider MB (SLI/Crossfire) if you're thinking about linking in the future.
If you're using Nvidia SLI based MB, you better stick with Nvidia based V-Card. If you change to ATI based V-Cards, you must also change MB, if you're thinking of linking (dual V-Card).
You can use single either card on either MB. Linking, you must use Nvidia for Nvidia SLI based MB and ATI for ATI Crossfire based MB.

Good Luck.