God of War Movie Announced


Jul 7, 2003
Reaction score
As the latest game to movie adaptation, Variety has posted word that Universal has picked up the film rights to Sony Computer Entertainment America's PlayStation 2 title, God Of War. Though details scarce, the film will be produced by Charles Roven and Alex Gartner, and much like the game, will be set in Greece, following the story of Kratos, a warrior who battles mythological creatures in the hopes of eventually finding Pandora's Box and destroying Ares, the god of war. Expect more details on the God Of War movie (details that hopefully don't include a certain Doctor directing) as information surfaces.


Was playing the game yesterday and thinking, "God, this would make an awesome movie." [pun not intended] Hopefully it will have the same amount of gore/action as the game, and possible nudity like the game? Hopefully it won't suck like many previous game-to-movie adaptations.


Jesus Christ, can't they leave games alone? The story line has already been explored in the game plus it had cool gameplay to go with it. If a book to a movie is an upgrade then a game to a movie is a definite downgrade.

If there had been one or two good adaptations by now I'm sure my outlook would be different, but all evidence so far points to the fact that good directors won't go near a game to movie adaptation.
my bet is Uwe Boll is directing... just like the Dungeon Seige movie, and Bloodrayne, and Far Cry, and House of the Dead, etc, etc
Icarusintel said:
my bet is Uwe Boll is directing... just like the Dungeon Seige movie, and Bloodrayne, and Far Cry, and House of the Dead, etc, etc

Most likely. That guy is raping the industry.
They need to just f**k off.I remember saying this too someone and hearing others say it:Take Half-Life for example a good game right?Well lets see how it fares as a movie!If they make a movie out of it one move could cause it's reputation as a game drop like a pigeon on crack.'Nuff said.

Yes I do realize that didn't make sense I just woke up so bear with me please.
I hope it dont suck

god of war is a awsome game and dont deserve to hav a crapy movie