Going to bars by yourself.


Aug 25, 2007
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most of my friends are out of town this weekend and those that are in town aren't 21. What is your guys opinion on going to a college bar by yourself just to go hang out? would I look like a total loser?
nah. just spend your time hitting on/sucking face with drunk chicks!
most of my friends are out of town this weekend and those that are in town aren't 21. What is your guys opinion on going to a college bar by yourself just to go hang out? would I look like a total loser?

What I'd do, having no bar experience whatsoever, is show up an hour or two into the night when everyone's had a few beers, introduce yourself to a group of girls, order some drinks, and start talking.

You'll only look like a loser if you're not talking to anyone.
What's wrong with staying at home? And you say you have friends that are in town, why not invite them at your home? But that's me, me and pretending to care about what total strangers at bars have to say don't mix.
What's wrong with staying at home? And you say you have friends that are in town, why not invite them at your home? But that's me, me and pretending to care about what total strangers at bars have to say don't mix.

Cause I want to get laid.
Who is The Dude? He sounds like another member in disguise.
Who is The Dude? He sounds like another member in disguise.

I'm the dude. I also go by dudarino, His Dudeness, or whatever combination of past or present participle you may think of.
Who knows? Maybe you'll meet somebody there who you already know, or you'll meet some new people. It's better than staying at home.
I sometimes used to go to clubs by myself when all of my friends were being losers and doing nothing. I also kind of know what I'm doing too.

I know how to shake my ass and turn girls on pretty well; notice I didn't say DANCE. If you go to a club; it doesn't really matter how ridiculous you look, just that you have fun and turn the girls on. Afterall taht guy standing on the side of the dance floor isn't going home with anyone.

P.S. Yes, I know the topic is bars.
Just be like me, stay home and talk to yourself
Well, I know people there. I know the bartender and there are quite a few regulars.
Then you aren't going by yourself.

Christ, this thread is retarded.
Go. Buy a beer or whatever, then go drink it in the parking lot. People can't think your a loser in a bar if you aren't in a bar.

Holy shit.
wait so you guys are saying you don't go to bars by yourselves?
I don't go to bars, period. The vast majority of people in my city are completely retarded, and bars tend to attract them and nobody else.
Ive always wondered about this... only with movies. Is it lame to go see a movie in the theatre by yourself?
What is your guys opinion on going to a college bar by yourself just to go hang out? would I look like a total loser?
If you can remember the line, "It puts the lotion on its skin or it gets the hose again." You should be fine. :|

I don't go to bars, period. The vast majority of people in my city are completely retarded, and bars tend to attract them and nobody else.
Ah so it isn't just my city. :)

Ive always wondered about this... only with movies. Is it lame to go see a movie in the theatre by yourself?
To a movie? Hell no, for me that's the only way to go. Mainly because I can't stand most people and don't want to sit there for 2-3 hours answering, "What did he say?", "What happened while I was gone?", "Are you following this?". Annoying as hell.
Ah so it isn't just my city. :)

To a movie? Hell no, for me that's the only way to go. Mainly because I can't stand most people and don't want to sit there for 2-3 hours answering, "What did he say?", "What happened while I was gone?", "Are you following this?". Annoying as hell.
It seems to be a repeating trend :P

Also, you need to see movies with smarter people. The last time I got asked "are you following this?" was when I watched Donnie Darko.
It seems to be a repeating trend :P

Also, you need to see movies with smarter people. The last time I got asked "are you following this?" was when I watched Donnie Darko.

Donnie Darko! I loved that movie!
most of my friends are out of town this weekend and those that are in town aren't 21. What is your guys opinion on going to a college bar by yourself just to go hang out? would I look like a total loser?

I would think you're a total loser if you stay in solely because your friends went out of town. Less likely to be cock blocked anyway.
you would look like a total loser if you act like one. but i'm not much for going alone. getting pissed beyond recognition and acting like a mental hospital escapee is a social activity.
lol I always see a load of people I know whenever I hit the town.
Somebody who joins this month already knows who KngHenry is.

Obviously, you are a fake, and I demand your Lucky Charms.
Well, I went out last night by myself, and it wasn't too bad. I didn't get shit toasted, but it was still a pretty good time. But in my case the party goes where I go, so I pretty much knew it would be aight.
If that's your prime motive to even go there, that makes you a loser by default :p

that means all men who go to bars are losers then

and why would anyone think you're a loser if you go to a bar alone? Isn't the point of going to a bar to meet people? Quite a silly thread :)