going to Cali part2


Aug 13, 2004
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Well I made a thread a very long time ago and now the time is drawing nearer
I still hadnt had the chance to go to Frankfurt to renew my Passport I hope I can do that soon Im planning to leave some time around July. I really worried about what will be when I come there I still dont know If my "Realschul" diploma
is accepted as a Highschool Diploma....I talked to my dad about it he said I shouldnt worry but I am worrying I dont wanna fall in cold water when I there
My Grandma said something about Cypress Community College.Is that a "OK"
College is it very har? see I dont know jack and how are the people there that are my age are American teens really so shallow? I only lived there till the end of the Kindergarten time so I never went to school my sis got 6th grade shes vey smart and stuff unlike me....
I just wanted to share my thoughts If I fail I fear Im gonna shoot myself I cant come back to Germany and look my mother in the eye If I fail. Not to mention how embarrassing it would be If my friends found out that Ive failed myself.
I hope I wont.
I tryed to spell and type right so plz dont get on my case about my grammer kay?
I live in cali ^_^

Come live down in San Diego and goto the college im gunna goto
I could help you ^_^

What part of cali are you going to?

And dont worry, i have friends that are complete retards
And even they can do fine in community college here
You'll be alright!
Ikerous said:
I live in cali ^_^

Come live down in San Diego and goto the college im gunna goto
I could help you ^_^

What part of cali are you going to?

And dont worry, i have friends that are complete retards
And even they can do fine in community college here
You'll be alright!

well its the City of Cerritos where I love for a while...(at my Grandmas)
and then to Buena Park as soon as that wicked witch(dads ex wife) leaves our house :sniper:
Lemonking said:
well its the City of Cerritos where I love for a while...(at my Grandmas)
and then to Buena Park as soon as that wicked witch(dads ex wife) leaves our house :sniper:
Both of those are about an hour north of me :p
Enjoy the nice california weather! :thumbs:
Lemonking said:
Why dont u do that then?
btwhow about some help wiyh my problem? :P
Well I'm planning on moving to california some time after I turn 18...I just want to go now. :(
Tr0n said:
Well I'm planning on moving to california some time after I turn 18...I just want to go now. :(
I told you my bed is always open ;-)
You just need the clothes on your back!
(And id be okay w/o them ;-) )
Tr0n said:
Well I'm planning on moving to california some time after I turn 18...I just want to go now. :(

what are u palnning to do in Cali?
Cypress com college is ok...Id recomend CSULB Cal State Long Beach. Thats where I'm planning on going. But unless you dont think you could maintain 3.1 average, go to CSULB its not too far from CCC.
Tr0n said:
Start a new life again. ;)

kewl maybe will meet some day
Im pobaly gonna hang ou at the mall all the time I love that place^^
PoeticRocker said:
Yep get ready for california weather... Hell during summers!!

Ive benn to cali every summer since I was 7 so I know im gonna be near death August-September :(
Lemonking said:
kewl maybe will meet some day
Im pobaly gonna hang ou at the mall all the time I love that place^^
You'll fit right in then. :afro:
And really, probably the majority of the registered users here are American teens.
Direwolf said:
You'll fit right in then. :afro:
And really, probably the majority of the registered users here are American teens.

Its just that Im worried from my sis I know that most Kids in the US are worried about looks and cars and shit like that
Lemonking said:
Its just that Im worried from my sis I know that most Kids in the US are worried about looks and cars and shit like that
if you arent good looking, you'll never get a job, and you'll die old alone and poor :|
(At least thats why i learned in psych :p)
The US teenage population is about 34 million people. Suffice it to say that we're a pretty broad spectrum of different kinds of people with different interests.
Well So-Cal is the land of the beautiful people but really, Unless you have some horrible deformation, you'll make friends. But it is the sad truth, So-Cal has very shallow people...cars not so sure about....most people walk/bike/skate to where they want to go. Cept at night.
MarcoPollo said:
Well So-Cal is the land of the beautiful people but really, Unless you have some horrible deformation, you'll make friends. But it is the sad truth, So-Cal has very shallow people...cars not so sure about....most people walk/bike/skate to where they want to go. Cept at night.

anothger thing Im worried about
Compton :naughty:
I went there with my dad once I had a gun with him wtf? Its so bad there he says Its dangerous to go there alone my dad used to live there and then all these "people" came and now every house has bars infront of the windows
We dont have that kinda stuff in Germany even where all kinds of Minorities live
Berln,Frankfurt Compton must be hell :afro:
lol^^^ Compton has levels of badness. Most of compton is just cheap crappy rundown housing. But someparts have gangs....just dont wear red when driving through gang territory...seriously
Homo eroticism at it's finest in this thread

*w00t post 666*
I live in Riverside, Cali.

Just don't try to go for the classic CA beach chick. Cuz they will take your money and leave you right back where you started from.

Compton has levels of badness. Most of compton is just cheap crappy rundown housing. But someparts have gangs....just dont wear red when driving through gang territory...seriously
QFT. I wouldn/t go to Compton unless i had to. Last time i was there, gangs roamed the streets openly, and cops couldn't do anything cuz they weren't breaking the law.
Kebean PFC said:
I live in Riverside, Cali.

Just don't try to go for the classic CA beach chick. Cuz they will take your money and leave you right back where you started from.

QFT. I wouldn/t go to Compton unless i had to. Last time i was there, gangs roamed the streets openly, and cops couldn't do anything cuz they weren't breaking the law.

my dad says the same things about chicks in cali
its a shame.... :(
Kebean......I am sorry for you. You live in riverside....seriously? that sucks...