Going to Florida next month need some advice.


Oct 14, 2004
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Yo. im going to orlando florida next month and i was wondering what is the best thing to do there and good stuff to buy.

ive never been to the states before so can i have some advice from someone who has been there before or is living there now etc. thanks :D i cant wait to go. i have $340 dollars to spend.. hmm

Go to the beach, go out to some clubs, go to Disneyworld.

All the regular Orlando stuff.
$340... doesn't it cost like $100 for each person just to get into 1 park? I've been to Florida twice.

Go to Disneyland, Universal Studios and that Adventure Something-or-other forget the name. Go on the Alien, Terminator 3D, Spiderman, Terror Tower, Space Mountain, Splash Mountain, Jurrassic Park (Animal Kingdom I think), Hulk rollercoaster, Back to the Future ride, and just everything else....

Do not go on the E.T ride. I queued for an hour for that, and it's absolute ****. It's so slow and boring.

There was a cool place to go at night, buy I forget the name. I think it was something to do with Universal, a place with shops and everything. Go to a cinema there to see all the films that take months to come out in the UK. The only problem is that Americans tend to clap and shout "go girl" or something similar when something funny happens.
StardogChampion said:
The only problem is that Americans tend to clap and shout "go girl" or something similar when something funny happens.
oh no you di'int!

but seriously, ive been to orlando and had a good time without going to disney. i cant tell you my opinion of disney because ive never been there. and btw, is orlando a popular place to go for brits? when i was there almost everyone in my resort was from the U.K. not a complaint, it was pretty cool to hang out with all of them.
check out the wetlands, there are most likely a slew of tour boats. Get to see lots of neat animals/wild life. snorkeling could be funt too :)
I hated florida. There isn't really that much to do unless you are with a bunch of friends.
I live in Orlando lol. I guess you could go to one of the theme parks. I'm not really familiar with Orlando because I just moved here from Tampa Bay.
Go to the beach. It's fun and free. It's funny, almost no locals go to the beach anymore, myself and friends got rather beached-out the first few years.
florida ****ing sucks ass.

go to universal studios islands of adventure. thats sorta fun. actually, wherever you are right now is probably way better, stay home dude. :-/