Going to Nebraska for a few days...


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
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For the holidays! I'm leaving at noon *5 hours* and comming back sunday probably about 6 oclock PM. I'll be sure to take pictures of the beautiful winter wonderland up there. Hope to get some good ones with the family.
Is Nebraska the place with all the pylons etc?
I'm back! Still organizing and such, but I'll get my pictures as soon as I get a chance.

Feels good to be home.
I had a great time. Saw family, ewnt around Yutan, and just remembered stuff from my childhood. Things from when I was around 3 years old. Kinda weird how I remember some things.

All in all, good time.
Here are the pictures I promised! Well, until Imageshack desides to love and and actually lets my pictures view...yeah...slow today.

Cool glass thingy my grandparents got. I thought it looked rather neat.

Ominous smokestack outside of Nebraska City. I just stared at it, and got chills down my spine. Couldn't tell ya why...

The front of my hometown, Union. The cornfields lead up to a house, then it's just downhill with a post office and a bar in that town...

The lake behind my mothers house. It looked awesome while it was frozen over.

The living room with the big screen, my oldest sisters new boyfriend, my other sister, who just had her first kid, her boyfriend, and my niece.
Jesus, it looks poor out there, and I used to live in East Los Angeles.
Please don't put the large pitcures in your post (Just say "That pitcure of the farm" or something.) - Danimal
that image is ****ing terrifying
nuclear aftermath mixed with real holocaust mixed with pure emptiness
i think i'll make it my desktop wallpaper
Its a freaking farm, people!

Sheesh. If you guys thought those pics were so creepy, I would have taken dozens of them on my trip from dallas to south dakota, and back down to dallas. Thousands of farms like that in this time of year.
Cool images, especially the farm one. Also,

*Points at top-left hand-side of third image*

Supermans coming!
you're blonde sister looks hawt :naughty:
nice family dude :thumbs:
john3571000 said:
you're blonde sister looks hawt :naughty:
nice family dude :thumbs:
Yeah..everybody in school would come up to me and be like, "Dood, I wanna **** your sister!" Why did the good looking gene miss me :(
CyberPitz said:
Yeah..everybody in school would come up to me and be like, "Dood, I wanna **** your sister!" Why did the good looking gene miss me :(

You ducked.