Goldrush and Unlockable Weapon Hands-on Impressions


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
As Evo reported earlier, Shacknews have posted their hands-on impressions of the new content. This preview is pretty much everything you need to know about the new content.
Yes, the Church of Valve has delivered glory unto the PC gaming devout, as always. Goldrush is as fun to play as it sounds on paper. The medic weapons are solid additions, with a huge amount of potential. Consider me fully re-hooked on the Team Fortress 2 Kool-Aid.

As in Dustbowl, I found myself equally divided when it came to my preference for attack or defense. On the one hand, defending on Goldrush was a matter of airborne ambushes and downright sadistic sticky-bomb traps, a guerrilla war of entertaining proportions. On the other, guiding the mine cart is one of the most purely team-based activities to be found in TF2, and thus is bound to provide for some classic scenarios.

The update is scheduled to go live sometime in the next few weeks. Read the full preview here.
Sounds like goldrush is going to be great fun. Teamwork ftw!

Next few weeks... I was hoping for it sooner. Oh well :)