good free spyware removers. (Help A Compuyer Noob Out!)


Jan 7, 2006
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Well, I'm in some shit, I was downloading some custom content for one of my games, Armed Assault, and it came with Trojans! and it's ****ing up my computer, I need any remover that can permanently get rid of them. If there isn't any good freeware removers out there, just tell me some one that require money. please help me!

More info: They're "smitfraud" and some other basic Trojans D:

edit : **** I spelled the thread title wrong, can a mod fix that?
Seems to me, that you're in whole lot of doodoo and world of hurt (Look Here). You should stay away from them Torrents and PSP for God's sake. Try Spybot S&D, but I don't think this going to be easy, Spybot S&D will recognize it but can't do shit about it.
A complete and thorough format is inevitable. I hope I'm wrong on this. :frown:

Good Luck.
Get avast! and run it on startup. Also check out a-squared Free.
Hmm, thanks for the suggestion guys, I really appreciate it, but dammit, Spybot is STILL detecting it on my computer, Argh!
Adaware and Spybot are all you really need. Just run them both and it should take care of your problem pretty well.
Smitfraud is an ass to kill. I know there is some tool out there that removes it flawlessly, but god if I can't remember the name of it. Shit :(
Hmm, it SEEMS too be gone, but thank you very much too everyone who helped, :D

Edit : no, no it's not D:
Smitfraud has a such a special way of messing with your system folders; it'll always boot with something else, even in Safe Mode. You'll have to do it by Dos to completely remove it, even that, you'll probably end up with an unstable OS. I'm sorry to say this, but please backup your vitals.

Good Luck.
I think in this case he ran a dubious RUN1ST.exe type program. User error
I was looking for ways to make money online doing work from home or something... the amount of scams online is absolutely incredible. Staggering. Man, anyone who is a naive sucker is absolutely ****ed on the internet.

They really need to find ways to crack down on these scam sites and hacking.

Anyway, what I was saying is that there is no substitute for the brain. The tell-tale signs are there when something is not right. Every time.