Good god...(if there would be one)

..What the hell? That is crazy.
Rofl, look at the guy in the backround. He's just like "wtf?!" :laugh: I have no idea why they make Muslim woman wear a burqa. While I understand their fears of the western culture and woman (thanks Britney, Hilton, etc) they can still wear normal clothes. Just imagine wearing a bed sheet over your body in the sweltering heat of a desert. If you are Sunni, it's even worse because it has to be black which absorbs extra UV rays. Also they can't even show their eyes if they are Sunni. The only way they have been able to survive these generations is, planned marriages. Then you get 2 people who don't really love each other but must live with each other for better of for worse. Their grand kids can sense it too (like me). Btw they are Armenians who are Christians but Armenia is surounded by Muslim countries, lol. *Rofl at the spagetti sauce on her clothes too. Must take her an hour to eat it too. In the Muslim community, woman are just for house chores and baby makers. Nothing else.
It's fake.

I've seen it on a BBC hidden camera show. Don't recall the name...
What's funnier is the sub-heading of the video:
"An arab woman is eating spaghetti while she is trying to avoid people seeing her face. See how stupid this woman is! doesn't she?"
:laugh: Doesn't she indeed xD.

From now on in public I'm going to affix Doesn't he/she to the end of everything when referring to a third person.
:laugh: fake or not, thats pretty funny. I always assumed that they'd take their facemask off to eat. That guy in the background. "WTF?"