good idea?


Dec 7, 2004
Reaction score
Alright, so it's happened to everybody. There's five people waiting to get in the plane and You get in! You're so excited and want to take off, but three people have lodged themselves under your wings and front tire, forcing you into a standoff.

So, my idea is simple; the -first- time you get into a plane/helicopter an invisible bubble pops outward forcing everybody away from the plane/helicopter. Not like 20 feet away, but just long/wide/tall enough to where people can't stand in your way, and this invisible ball would be spherical (of course) so if you hit somebody instead of running them over, it would just push them out of the way. Now i say first time, because this bubble will go away after 10 seconds or so and never to reappear until the vehicle respawns again. For the planes/helicopters that hold two people, the bubble will only appear if two people are in it.

now i know somebody here hates this idea, so go ahead rip it apart!
xcellerate said:
Alright, so it's happened to everybody. There's five people waiting to get in the plane and You get in! You're so excited and want to take off, but three people have lodged themselves under your wings and front tire, forcing you into a standoff.

So, my idea is simple; the -first- time you get into a plane/helicopter an invisible bubble pops outward forcing everybody away from the plane/helicopter. Not like 20 feet away, but just long/wide/tall enough to where people can't stand in your way, and this invisible ball would be spherical (of course) so if you hit somebody instead of running them over, it would just push them out of the way. Now i say first time, because this bubble will go away after 10 seconds or so and never to reappear until the vehicle respawns again. For the planes/helicopters that hold two people, the bubble will only appear if two people are in it.

now i know somebody here hates this idea, so go ahead rip it apart!

Another option is to not camp for planes / helo's at all.
Or maybe just a punish system inside that sphere, kinda like when you go outta bounds? With a 10/5 second warning. Only for aircraft though- i can see it getting extremely annoying you getting punished as soon as someone jumps in an apc or tank.
yea, that's a better idea because it's passive. Kill/punish people who don't get outside of the jet's bubble in 10 seconds.
Or simply make it so that if you tk soemone on the runway with the jet, by hitting then, not with your guns you do not get -points and they cannot punish. That way it's even more passive but works just as well. That way you only punish the people who do that on purpose.
And I beleive there should be a small square where the vehicle spawns where if you got in you are the one that gets the vehicle, and like a shild comes around you which prevents you getting killed in any way possible. That would helpful cause then there would be no doubt as to who get the vehicle. And people would go their own way. Now you are wating and still people come , try to puch you, stand 1 cm in front of you, cause it's not sure who will get the plane.
I think it should definitely only work for helos and jets though because I stick close to tanks and apcs for cover a lot so that'd be lame to get pushed away.

I think the bubble thing would be a good idea because there's plenty of spiteful people out there that jump on top of your helicopter if they don't get in just so you tk them when you try to take off.
yea, i only ment it to be for jets/helios nobody seems to care if you steal their tank or car.
I'd just sit there until they all got bored and left, or teamkilled me.

Don't give into losers by running them over. Make them wait even longer.

I've got a lot of patience.
I'm just patient....really, I figured by now, people would have givin up the whole "I WANNA FLY FOR FUUNN!" thing...I mean, it was huge when the game first came out, but's just rediculous.
I usually have the patience to wait it out but if it was a map like shariq where the US chopper would make runs to destroy the chopper, then I didn't have time to be patient :(
I think there should be some way of limiting the whoring for those things..I mean, 5 or 6 people will all cuddle together until the chopper or jet spawns. It's annoying, because 4 of those people could help assault the last flag that I tried to take while one guy killed the last of ours off....*sigh*
Yea, war is hell. What's even worse was maybe 2 days ago i was flying with this dude, =STFU=Addy, and he was awesome, we both had 90+ scores in the chopper. Well we die, and are waiting for the chopper to respawn, and a third guy comes up. He doesn't get in the chopper though *phew*, so he tk's Addy (the pilot) and jumps in. So i jump out, TK him and fly away only to return once addy spawns.

I mean seriously, yea the guy MAYBE was a better pilot than addy but the odds of that are so minute it's ridiculous. What made him think he deserved the chopper more than the two guys who were leading the scores for both teams by more than 2x the next highest person? We are obviously doing something right, so let us keep doing it.
It's the internet, you're always more important than everybody else!
