"Good. It's in great shape. We anticipate delivering it to Vivendi in..."



Since I can't see any other subject on this info Homelanfed just posted an interview with Gabe there he states that they're delivering it to vivendi in August.

HomeLAN - Finally, we have to ask; how is Half-Life 2 coming along?

Gabe Newell - Good. It's in great shape. We anticipate delivering it to Vivendi in August.

Looks like it's going to be a field-day for rival hl2 sites... *sigh*
Give me a w00t, w00t :D

[Edit]: If Valve releases HL2 before September 22, it is still technically summer.
At least it's not september. w00t! finally new news!
id better get DOOM³ released soon.... What else are we supose to do in the summer? Go outside? No freaking way...!

August, its interesting that Gabe has finally said something concrete, well sort of concrete.
712 said:
id better get DOOM³ released soon.... What else are we supose to do in the summer? Go outside? No freaking way...!


I second that
Ians: He said he plans on delivering it to Vivendi in August, which means he could deliver it on Aug 31 and thus we get it in september.

That's awesome...

Somebody send Gabe a basket of mini-muffins ASAP!!!
Iced_Eagle said:
Ians: He said he plans on delivering it to Vivendi in August, which means he could deliver it on Aug 31 and thus we get it in september.

That's awesome...

Somebody send Gabe a basket of mini-muffins ASAP!!!

No, we need to get him a Costco sized box of those Chocolate Chocolate Chip muffins. ;)
So Valve's staff each take a HL2 site. Then they decide to give the news to someone else entirely instead of giving the info at the same time to all those sites they joined

right.. I'm off to mod for Doom2. :p
Iced_Eagle said:
Ians: He said he plans on delivering it to Vivendi in August, which means he could deliver it on Aug 31 and thus we get it in september.

That's awesome...

Somebody send Gabe a basket of mini-muffins ASAP!!!

It's Lans!, does it look like an "I"? :p

Anytime August, september 1, it doesn't matter as long as it get's released!
I'm skeptical. Someone should email him with the quote and ask "is this true" before everyone starts jumping for joy.

And, of course, dates can always slip.
Why would VALVe lie in a interview? HomeLanFed is a reliable source.
Lanthanide said:
I'm skeptical. Someone should email him with the quote and ask "is this true" before everyone starts jumping for joy.

And, of course, dates can always slip.

As gaming sites go, Homelanfed is pretty reputable. They didn't just fabricate the interview.
That may be, I just find it curious that he'd drop it randomly onto the end of an interview like that (after months, and very recently, staying completely tight-lipped about it), rather than release it more widely via an email to a bunch of fan sites or something - I mean, it is pretty big news. So it smells fishy to me.
Hope its true... but I am somewhat dissapointed that they gave the information up in some random interview instead of making some kind of release. :p
I'm e-mailing Gabe to see if we can get some validation here. If I receive a response, I will post it immediately in the Info from Valve thread.
so their delivering it to Vivendi in August... I hope Vivendi have their asses in gear at the time, how long to wait then after it goes gold ?. looks like early september to me.
Aaw man I was hoping for a June/July release :( Silly me. Oh well no point in whining about it I guess. I guess I'll go back to FFX-2 & FFIX for a while then :) Plus, I've got tons of Anime I need to watch. Summer is saved!
Makes total sense since PC GAMER US is doing a huge thing on HL2 and prolly the multiplayer next month....i bet a lot is about to be reveiled.
Well, lets hope for an early August, that way we could play it by the end of august if Vivendi are complete idiots and take way to long to make the CDs adn package it.
I agree with the previous people who said why would valve give the release date to some random interview about code name Gordon. This is just not real.

Or it could be a result of valves complete incompetence when it comes to releasing information, right time right place is what you learn at school, so either this is real and they are very unorthodox (aka just weird or stupid) or this is a false data again like hl radio ( WTF was with that bs?) :sniper:
Actually, If the game does get handed in in August, that would mean sometime between mid-August and mid-september would be the release.

Someone send Gabe some Timbits. :D
Well at least we have some idea when we'll have it.
Well down here is Australia it does not take a mere month for games to be released, the game must be mass produced and other things done by the produce i would be vary surprised if the game is done by vendi in one moth
Below are the contents of my e-mail to Gabe. I just sent it and will check my mailbox periodically for a reply:


Good afternoon, I hope you're doing well and managing to get some rest as your current development cycle nears completion.

I'm writing to inquire about an cooperative interview with you and Tim Bruns of Nuclearvision that was posted today on HomeLanFed.com. For reference: http://www.homelanfed.com/index.php?id=24085. Near the end of the interview, you were asked about Valve's progress in the development of Half-Life 2 and your answer was "Good. It's in great shape. We anticipate delivering it to Vivendi in August."

I'm fully aware you have limited control over a concrete release date at this point. My question is, can you confirm this means the game will be effectively finished before the end of August?

Any further insight you can lend to Valve's loyal community at Halflife2.net would be greatly appreciated.


Ira Wray
Geez, as someone else mentioned.

That's Sept 30 2004 doesn't seem so far fetched anymore (if this info is true).

Note to self: in future Valve releases....add one full year.
Well Valve are known for pulling pranks on us so this could just as well be false. When asked about the status of the game before etc, they have almost every time said something deceiving (sp?) / funny instead of giving a straight answer. This could be the same thing but twisted ;)
Someone said:
Geez, as someone else mentioned.

That's Sept 30 2004 doesn't seem so far fetched anymore (if this info is true).

Note to self: in future Valve releases....add one full year.

Was the same thing with HL you know :)

That's just their signature move.