good lord..


Mar 16, 2007
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I just felt tremors in my house. and everytime tremors are felt in my country, it means there was an earthquake in a nearby country (indonesia probably..) and alot of people usually die..

I hope nobody died..
Quick, alert the internet.

The old ones are the best
Which country do you live in? I remember when there was a minor tremor in England and people made such as fuss out of it - idiots.
We don't get earthquakes. We don't live on, or anywhere near a fault line. Wouldn't you make a fuss? Hardly makes people idiots
That's quite spooky.

So you felt a if millions of voices had suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced?

I fear something terrible has happened.
There has been warnings of a tsunami off Australia's coast, where are you?
That's quite spooky.

So you felt a if millions of voices had suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced?


I fear something terrible has happened.

You'd better get on with your exercises.


Well, you can forget your troubles with those Imperial slugs. I told you I'd outrun them.

Wait if you felt tremors, and if its indonesia, then youre either in thailand, vietnam, malaysia or Singapore. Dibbs that youre in singapore. :D

I didnt feel anything...
NEWS: 2 major 9 richter scale earthquakes off the indian ocean creating huge tsunamis. thousands in Indonesia evacuated. sad..
see the time of the post up there, that must have been exactly when it happened. good thing it was not so serious..
Which country do you live in? I remember when there was a minor tremor in England and people made such as fuss out of it -Elitists.

Well, it felt and sounded like a car driving through my shop. The tremor was felt in Europe btw.
feel glad it wasnt one of these


:laugh: Oh RJMC, where would we be without your occasionally misplaced stabs at humor?
I lol'd

I lol'd harder

oh shit, unproductive in more than ten characters.

As our dear benefactor said:

"I'm fed up of reading threads with 10 out of 12 people just saying "ok", "I agree" or ":D". lol"
Indonesia got hit by an earthquake...