Good news for those tired of the current MMO market.


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
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NSsoft just acquired, and is now funding a newly organized Carbine Studios, consisting of the former creators of the original World of Warcraft and some other notable titles such as a Fallout. It'll be very interesting what these guys turn up in the next few months/years. Seeing as the MMORPG market has been looking rather grim with the exception of Blizzard's cash cow World of Warcraft. I've got high hopes for these guys even considering they wallow in the shadow of two other (Flagship / Arena Net) rather successful ex-blizzard employee jump-starts.

Click the jump for Carbine's (limited) startup page, or simply give 'Carbine Studios' a quick google'n for more information. said:
Ten former members of Blizzard Entertainment's World of Warcraft core development team. According to NCsoft, the team is now up to 17 former Blizzard employees. And some members have ties to hit games such as Starcraft and Fallout.

original article
and of course thanks World of Raids for the heads up.
This is TERRIBLE news. If the creators of World of Warcraft band together with NCsoft, makers of Lineage and the upcoming Crytek-based Aion, what kind of digital crack will they be pushing? No one will have lives! Hundreds of Koreans will be dead within a week! The world economy will drop because everyone quits their jobs! Population will decrease because no one will want to get off their PC to procreate! THIS IS TERRIBLE! D:
No one will have lives! Hundreds of Koreans will be dead within a week!

Correction. OVER 9000 will be dead every hour!
How about they do something that has actual depth and plot, like, a single player game?

Unless that's not "next gen" or similiar bullshit.
The only mmo game out there that actually managed to implement a proper storyline and a cinematic experience is Guild Wars imho.
If it will have the same 30-something cluster**** powers on your hud and boring ass gameplay like all the mmos then no.

Guild Wars is the only one I like.
What about Asheron's Call?
That was the most amazing MMO I ever played.
Original WoW was awesome-cakes. Can't say I care much for Lineage though. I guess they could add more elf boobs.
The only mmo game out there that actually managed to implement a proper storyline and a cinematic experience is Guild Wars imho.

Funny because GW isn't a real mmo.
Apart from the actual developers saying it isn't an MMO, the way the game works makes it barred from real MMO status.
Indeed. It isn't really an MMO in the same sense that EQ or WoW are. The key is persistent online worlds, and Guild Wars is heavily instanced. That's why they're able to ditch online fees. The developers don't need to constantly monitor and keep up servers housing whole worlds and thousands of players.

That's not a knock against GW. It's just not a proper MMO.