"Good People Don't End Up Here."


Oct 28, 2007
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Now we all know GlaDos to be an accomplished liar, but I don't think she is lying in this case.
Obviously no one would volunteer for such an experiment which leads me to believe that Chell and those that came before her are possibly criminals of the worst kind "contracted" out by the government to be used in testing financed by the Department of Defense.
If this is the case and she does appear in the HL games should would make for a very different and interesting character.
It could be that Aperture Science's intended labrats would be Prisoners, but then again, GLaDOS's morality sphere might be a little screwy, what with her sense of right and wrong. :/
The living quarters also seem suspect to me, and GlaDos wasn't the one who put acid pools all over the test area. The orange jumpsuit also rings of this theory as well. Not that she would be wearing the same suit as the one she had in prison, but a similar one so that she would be easy to spot if she escaped.
Since she said that when Chell was entering some sort of Aperature work area, I took it as meaning good people don't work for Aperature Science.
Since she said that when Chell was entering some sort of Aperature work area, I took it as meaning good people don't work for Aperature Science.
I think that's what GLaDOS meant too when she said that.
Obviously no one would volunteer for such an experiment which leads me to believe that Chell and those that came before her are possibly criminals of the worst kind "contracted" out by the government to be used in testing financed by the Department of Defense.
Assuming that the experiment had never changed in human absence. The Hazards may have been added by GlaDOS. Furthermore, we know from the loss of the Borealis that Aperture Science were a tad dodgy on the safety side of things. We also know from that same loss, that a large crew of people mysteriously vanished...
I still wonder why the HELL a science facility has deadly toxins, and missile turrets in the friggin' floor.
I still wonder why the HELL a science facility has deadly toxins, and missile turrets in the friggin' floor.
Deadly toxins? Inside laboratory? What the HELL?!
Robotic research in hi-tech labs? NO WAI!
I mean deadly neurotoxins that are ready to flood a lab and are accessible by an AI. And turrets IN THE FLOOR. Not the little retarded sentry guns.
I think the ai is trying to say you are a good person, getting on your side, and saying that by escaping you are becoming a bad person.
And turrets IN THE FLOOR. Not the little retarded sentry guns.
One was isolated in a room, suggesting that it was in a lab environment. The other was in GlaDOS' core, and why wouldn't it be? If someone is going to try and destroy your hugely expensive AI, the costs incurred from cleaning up their corpse from the Core room will be money well spent.
One was isolated in a room, suggesting that it was in a lab environment. The other was in GlaDOS' core, and why wouldn't it be? If someone is going to try and destroy your hugely expensive AI, the costs incurred from cleaning up their corpse from the Core room will be money well spent.

I like your thinking, and I go along with this to explain the neuro-toxins, but not the rocket launcher. As the game proved it could do damage to the wrong thing!!!
I like your thinking, and I go along with this to explain the neuro-toxins, but not the rocket launcher. As the game proved it could do damage to the wrong thing!!!
Only if you lug the Portal Gun all the way from the other side of the base. I don't think anyone thought someone would do that.
Only if you lug the Portal Gun all the way from the other side of the base. I don't think anyone thought someone would do that.

True, if thinking about taking out GLaDOS. However there are other things in the room the rockets 'could' destroy, like the computers near the entrance. Also it can't do much good to the infrastructure with rockets slamming into the walls, especially as the room is kind of suspended.

I've spent far too much time thinking about this!
:rolling: ;)
It's possible that Chell is there from "Bring your daughter to work day."
I think the turret in GLaDOS' core room might've been there to kill GLaDOS as a failsafe, in case the morality core didn't do it's job.

However, without humans to stop her, GLaDOS screwed up it's programs and deactivated it.
i don't think Chell's there from "bring your daughter to work day" If you think she is there from "bydtwd" then please, answer me this:
why is she wearing an orange jumpsuit thing?(like prisoners wear)
why is chell older? i thougt "bydtwd" was for young kids.
how did chell get in her "relaxation vault"? If it was bring your daughter to work day, wouldn't employees of aperture just bring their daughters to work, show them around, and then bring them back home?

here are the reasons for thinking chell (along with any other test subjects at the enrichment centre) are criminals:
1. the "relaxation vault" highly resembles a prison cell, with no way out, except portal.
2. the orange suit chell is sporting (used for easy spotting if she ever tried to escape)
3. various quotes by GLaDOS
ex. "good people don't end up here"
"you're not a scientist, you're not a doctor, you're not even a full time employee. where did your life go so wrong?" meaning chell probably didn't hold a job, most likely meaning she is in prison. And where did your life go so wrong meaning she had probably commited a crime.
also a question on aperturescience.com that read something like: in case you forget your UID+L, name a crime only you commited.

4. lastly, who would volunteer for such work? not me(well the portals would be fun) but it's dangerous testing, and that testing is for the criminals who end up doing their time at aperture science, being test subjects for various technologies.
there's no way chell is from "bring your daughter to work day. and if she is from bydtwd, please give me good reason why.
From the way that they competed with Black Mesa, and the precautions they didn't take, I'd have said they weren't the best of people.
i don't think Chell's there from "bring your daughter to work day" If you think she is there from "bydtwd" then please, answer me this:
why is she wearing an orange jumpsuit thing?(like prisoners wear)
why is chell older? i thougt "bydtwd" was for young kids.
how did chell get in her "relaxation vault"? If it was bring your daughter to work day, wouldn't employees of aperture just bring their daughters to work, show them around, and then bring them back home?

First the Suit: I would think that anyone who participated in the tests would have to wear this.

Second the age: Not sure, possibly Chells dad is pretty old?

Third how she got in the RV: Possibly Chells dad was a high ranking employee and was able to pull some strings to let his daughter try out the ASHPD.
i don't think Chell's there from "bring your daughter to work day" If you think she is there from "bydtwd" then please, answer me this:
why is she wearing an orange jumpsuit thing?(like prisoners wear)
why is chell older? i thougt "bydtwd" was for young kids.
how did chell get in her "relaxation vault"? If it was bring your daughter to work day, wouldn't employees of aperture just bring their daughters to work, show them around, and then bring them back home?

I wouldn't have associated jump suits with prisoners, if it hadn't already been suggested I would have though the jump suit would be mechanics overalls. Its not unusual to wear protective clothing in a scientific or engineering environment. A set of overalls would be more suitable than white lab coats in the test chamber. The colour of such overalls vary, but grey and blue are most common. Red is less normal, however being highly visible would benefit the observers of the test.

The last bydtwd would have been a while ago. Its been some time since the human population have been removed from the facility. Its possible that she was trapped in the facility at this time. She could have been as old as 16 and still at school on the bydtwd. The is no indication of how long she has been kept unconscious in the relaxation vault, but it could be several years. That would make her current age around the early 20's.

One of the lines GLaDOS says about the bydtwd is that it is the ideal time to have your daughter tested. This could be interpreted as meaning go through the ASPD test chambers. After all its a very fun activity. Its possible that the original test chamber design wasn't as dangerous. Originally the toxic sludge could have been ordinary water that GLaDOS has polluted over time to give greater incentive. Danger from falling from great heights has already been eliminated by the leg braces, we don't know for certain that these are surgical implants, they could be part of the suit instead.

The "you are not even a real employee" quote could be referring to being a visitor participating in the test for fun rather than scientific endeavour, which would fit the bydtwd theory.

The isn't really enough evidence to prove either theory. Most evidence comes from GLaDOS, who has been proven to distort the truth to her own advantages.
Did you notice broken turrets in that room ("Good people don't end up here" -room). I am not sure, but was there one dizzy turret trying to say something. I thought that room was for broken stuff. Correct me if i'm wrong.
Welcome, toaster-chan, to Half Life 2. net; It's safer here.

It's possible that Chell is there from "Bring your daughter to work day."

The Aperture website says GlaDos was activated (or at least, fully activated) on the Bring Your Daughter to work day.

So, yeah.
Maybe they had a choice to volunteer for Aperture, or to walk death row.
Death Row...??

What're you talking about??

Chell is not a prisoner!
It's got the aperture science logo on. She's not a criminal.

Well obviously it wouldn't be the same jumpsuit she was wearing in jail, but a similar one so she would be easy to track if she ever escaped (like inmates).
... She's not a bloody criminal!

I want to facepalm you! Not with my own face, but yours!

Seriously... you just answered it yourself... she's wearing it so she can be tracked. But it doesn't make her an inmate!
Rogue Squadron wear jumpsuits. It doesn't make them criminals!
Er. They're rebels. As in people opposing the government and their laws.

They are criminals.


... they wear jumpsuits because they're jumpsuits, not because they're criminal wear.
And sure, they're technically criminals, but outlaws don't wear the same clothes that prisoners do...
... She's not a bloody criminal!

I want to facepalm you! Not with my own face, but yours!

Seriously... you just answered it yourself... she's wearing it so she can be tracked. But it doesn't make her an inmate!
Rogue Squadron wear jumpsuits. It doesn't make them criminals!

Which brings us back to the title of the topic "Good people don't end up here." My theory was that Chell was not a good person. Possibly a criminal. It would certainly make her unique with all the self sacrificing saints the series has.
She was a girl. Who was trapped by GLaDOS. And then needed to escape.

I see no "self-sacrificing saints" that the series are apparently spewing. Take any of the characters, they're all in a situation in which they need to escape. They're not doing it selflessly. And Adrian went in there to kill Gordon...
Gordon was pretty heroic. He didn't need to take out the Nihilanth. He could just have legged it.
Chell isn't a self-sacrificing saint, regardless of whether or not she's a prisoner. She killed both the Weighted Companion Cube and GLaDOS so that she could survive.

My point is that she would be a protagonist but unlike someone like Gordon, Eli, Alyx, Kleiner, or Barney who are all decent and thoughtful.
Shepard I also think would bring a unique dynamic to the series if re-added to the cast.
Druckles you seem so sure of Chell's entire story, when none of us really know a damn thing. I'm merely speculating because of a line delivered by Glados. She did have Chell's file: An unlikable loner. Like by no one. Very formal. Very official.
I think the "Good People Don't End Up Here." line is just a form of discouragement from GLaDOS. I think it is a form of reverse psychology trying to convince you that if you turn back now you can still be a good person. This seems to be the nature of most of the things GLaDOS says to you during the trek to the final battle. She eventually resorts to outright threats, but at first it is just different appeals to get you to turn back. I just thought the line was implying that by disobeying GLaDOS I was being a bad person. Thus if I had just listened to her then I would have never ended up there.
Or maybe it's part of the oh so very mild "dark humor" the game is so famous for.