Good straight razor brand


May 28, 2003
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Does anyone here shave with a straight razor. I'm looking to buy one but the prices go from about $20 to $400 and I'm not quite sure what I should be looking for. Any advice on some good brands, or what makes a good razor.
I use a bendy razor. It makes shaving so much more fun and lethal.
$20-$400? That's an awful long gap. Wouldn't that cover just about every straight razor under the sun?
I recommend the most expensive one.

If you're going to kill yourself with it, yes, get the most expensive brand.

"Nothing says, "I want to die!" Better than the NEW B&E Straight Razor! Clean cut, smooth slice...whatever you need it to do, it will do it flawlessly. *Not responsible if it whispers suicidal ideas into your ear at night*"
haha, I was just doing a google search to try to find a good straight razor and google gives me back my own topic as the fourth hit on the page
haha, I was just doing a google search to try to find a good straight razor and google gives me back my on topic as the fourth hit on the page

I did a google and didn't see this site on it at all! :(
I thought it said "Band"
I was like "Oh great, sounds like more emo music on the way"