Good War Games?


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
I'm looking for some war games that are kind of 'open world'..

I don't mean open world like Morrowind, but open world like Battlefield 2, Far Cry, etc.

I just recently got Delta Force Black Hawk Down, I haven't played it since it was released. (SHUT UP I LOVE THIS GAME), and the missions with a relatively open world were my favorite (blow up the bridge anyone?), plus even the closed in levels feel open just because the level design, like when you go from the air base, and fly along the beach to the city while maneuvering around RPGs, meanwhile when you do get dropped off, you're limited to one building, it STILL feels open.

Any other games like these?

And yes I'm aware ALL Delta Force games are like this, and no one better say Ghost Recon, because OBVIOUSLY I've played that, everyone has.

Off topic a little bit: I love how every weapon feels so powerful in BHD, anyone else? The sound of the gun firing mixed with the death animations are fantastic.
I take it you've played Call Of Duty 4?
I take it you have played Armed Assault? And since you obviously don't mind simple / outdated graphics: I take it you've played Operation Flashpoint?
Operation Flashpoint.

Call of Duty 4 is an accurate depiction of modern warfare.
I take it you have played Armed Assault? And since you obviously don't mind simple / outdated graphics: I take it you've played Operation Flashpoint?

Flashpoint is one of the best games evar. Flares actually serve a purpose.

I've never played Armed Assault, I'll have to give it a go.