Google buying Valve (just a rumour so far)

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The Inquirer? Hahaha don't even remotely believe a thing they say.
Doubt it...


prepare for the inevitable EA buys Valve

Valve is a privately owned company, they don't get bought unless they want to.

I can see why Google might be interested in Steam and Valve could benefit from the bandwidth and traffic Google could bring, so I can see some sort of partnership working but I doubt Valve are really interested in being owned (even partially) by another company.

I'lll take this rumour with a grain of salt.
Actually I take back the fake news site comment. I searched google news and there are a ton of sites reporting the same. Damnit if its true.
Actually I take back the fake news site comment. I searched google news and there are a ton of sites reporting the same. Damnit if its true.
Each of them sourcing the Inquirer durrhurr. said:
Search engine behemoth Google is set to buy Half-Life developer Valve, according to The Inquirer. said:
According to a report in The Inquirer, the all-knowing, all-encompassing internet search giant, Google, is to buy Half-Life developer, Valve. said:
There's nothing in the way of official confirmation at the moment, but tech website the Inquirer reports that "well-placed sources" are telling them that Google will be purchasing Valve "any second now."

You get the idea.
It would most likely be the same deal that they did with YouTube, the site pretty much stays the same, but google gets a slice of the pie in return for massive ammounts of bandwidth.
But they're not on the stock market.
How much could VALVe gain by being acquired by Google? Don't they already have a partnership with EA?
I really don't see why Valve would want to be aquired by Google of all people. Though it would be interesting to see what Google would do with Steam.
I welcome Google

edit: tons of sources reporting the news D:
Erm, you can't buy ANY EA games on steam, so somehow I doubt this...

That wasn't my point, but yes you can - Crysis and Crysis Warhead are now available on Steam.
They have a partnership with EA to sell the retail versions of the their games.
I really don't see why Valve would want to be aquired by Google of all people. Though it would be interesting to see what Google would do with Steam.


I hope this is fake, although it may have it's benefits...
Well, Google knows that a large portion of steam's users already are bitches to iga, so they want a slice of a pie they know could probably get much, much, bigger. And tastier.

What the gamer gets, apart from a "more immersive, more realistic, game environment", remains to be seen.
Well, Google knows that a large portion of steam's users already are bitches to iga, so they want a slice of a pie they know could probably get much, much, bigger. And tastier.

What the gamer gets, apart from a "more immersive, more realistic, game environment", remains to be seen.

In during 6000 people think this is actually happening.
I've got to say IF this is true which I doubt, is it a good thing?
Do we really have to source that Valve is privately owned? Are you one of the Wikitards?
Wow shoot me for asking. Just want to know whether they can be forcibly bought or not.
Not really, you say one thing and others are saying it's the end of the world. One showed some sources that disagrees with you, I know not the legitimacy of the source.
Make that 2 opposing sources :|
Not really, you say one thing and others are saying it's the end of the world. One showed some sources that disagrees with you, I know not the legitimacy of the source.
Make that 2 opposing sources :|

I know this is slightly hypocritical of me, but could you point out the "other source"? :p
Did everyone just skip over what I said? There is nothing to discuss here.
The link above my last post apparently

You are misunderstanding. There is no source claiming Valve is not a privately owned company. However, there _are_ sources claiming google is going to buy Valve. That can be true, because those who own Valve may choose to sell. However, there is no way to force them to sell through, for example, a "hostile takeover bid".
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