Google = deer killers


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
oh dear god, sitting here at work...i just busted up laughing...
If you go up even farther and turn back it definitely looks dead. do people find these things?
I can't figure this one out, or I'm just missing something.

Click the forward arrow on the road, then use the arrows in the top corner to turn back around. Click the first arrow that was originally clicked (should be facing to the right) to keep going forward.

Oh you, Stern. :o
OH no!

For those of you who are a bit special*:


Haha that is awesome! Not just the deer thing but spinning view and shit.
I lol'd then had to show everyone at work.

Someone post the kid crashing his bike.
It's been removed now. Damn.

They'll probably send another google van out to that same spot and... totally **** up the lighting and you'll be traversing it and it'll be a shock to the system.

Or they'll spend thousands of dollars to calibrate the exact time to travel through there so everything looks perfect.
That just goes back to what I've been saying all along, google needs to be stopped!
"Unavailable due to high demand"

Aaaaaand, now it's gone
yeah anyone who can post an alternate picture please do

EDIT: nevermind I read the 2nd last post too quickly