Google-image-search your own name


Lemonking i sreallya girl
that explains why Im a retard and make stupid posts in the politics section :D
Spicy Tuna said:
that explains why Im a retard and make stupid posts in the politics section :D

And the sexist award of the month goes to.....

It would appear that I share my real name with (among others) a nature photographer, a Texas senator, a professional wrestler, an actor/director/writer/one-man-show/cross-dresser/pantomime, a professor that was elected into the Royal Academy of Engineering, a cricket player from New Zealand, and an NFL rookie. Those are just the first couple of pages of Google results...
Mine only come up with six images. And the god damned images aren't even the ones I had the arist paint of my character!
Raziaar said:
Mine only come up with four images. And the god damned images aren't even the ones I had the arist paint of my character!
me too, the space in my name means i'm only getting random Glenn images.

Just wondering Sulky, was this done JUST so you can push your comics and drawings eh? eh? eh? Yeah i know you.