google invests in geothermal


Aug 6, 2004
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0 one of the most successive companies in the recent decade, decided Geothermal is worth investing in?

mmm...the sweet feeling of being right :p

so what made them do it?

probably this:

And it looks like Google made a wise investment choice. According to an MIT report on EGS, only 2% of the heat beneath the continental US between 3 and 10 kilometers (depths we can reach with current technology) is more than 2,500 the annual energy use of the United States.

A recent MIT report found, "there are no anticipated 'showstoppers' or fundamental constraints that will require new technologies to be discovered and implemented to achieve success.
Google own quite literally everything these days...

Even your PC, check your task manager....D:
He can never know what the outside world looks like!
I have a theory that if geothermal energy was used on a big enough scale it would start messing with natural volcanic cycles and could effect the development of the crust and the asthenosphere.. :> Next thing you know the world will be crying over civilization's negative affect on continental drift and the dawning apocalypse due to the earth's magnetic fields diminishing. And everyone always thinks "this is much too small scale manipulation to actually have any consequence" when they invent shit.
I have a theory that if geothermal energy was used on a big enough scale it would start messing with natural volcanic cycles and could effect the development of the crust and the asthenosphere.. :> Next thing you know the world will be crying over civilization's negative affect on continental drift and the dawning apocalypse due to the earth's magnetic fields diminishing. And everyone always thinks "this is much too small scale manipulation to actually have any consequence" when they invent shit.

I agree in a way. I think it is too early to state that there are no negative effects from this technology. While on the surface it seems benign enough, I think we should be wise enough to attempt to avoid another situation like what we are facing with fossil fuels now. Plentiful clean energy just seems too good to be true.
Isn't geothermal energy susceptible to earthquakes, or have they already fixed this?
I have a theory that if geothermal energy was used on a big enough scale it would start messing with natural volcanic cycles and could effect the development of the crust and the asthenosphere.. :> Next thing you know the world will be crying over civilization's negative affect on continental drift and the dawning apocalypse due to the earth's magnetic fields diminishing. And everyone always thinks "this is much too small scale manipulation to actually have any consequence" when they invent shit.

You seem to have a sound grasp of geology my good sir! May I subscribe to your journal? :naughty:
Geothermal energy is effectively watercooling the planet. This will cause global cooling - which can have catastrophic consequences.

Suggest we overclock the planet.
I'm not entirely convinced that it could cause major damage to Earth cycles. I mean, where does that heat go otherwise? Just latent heat that soaks the earth surface............ ok, so maybe there are vast consequences beyond our current comprehension.
I'm not entirely convinced that it could cause major damage to Earth cycles. I mean, where does that heat go otherwise? Just latent heat that soaks the earth surface............ ok, so maybe there are vast consequences beyond our current comprehension.

You remember the future that the movies in the 70's depicted with flying cars and domes and shit? That's because they started harvesting the geo-thermal energy. Just WAIT until what we can do with it!!!
i wonder if google have a checklist of things that a company can ever do. they must be near the bottom by now. :)