I'm running FF 1.5 and this morning Google started doing some odd things. Now after I do a search in Google the filter options that are normally at the top (Web, Images, etc) appear down the side. While it's not a big problem, change scares me. ;( I haven't changed any settings although others who have use this PC may have. I've been looking through the settings and I haven't been able to find anything relevant.
I've also checked IE and Google is working normally there. Any suggestions are appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
I'm running FF 1.5 and this morning Google started doing some odd things. Now after I do a search in Google the filter options that are normally at the top (Web, Images, etc) appear down the side. While it's not a big problem, change scares me. ;( I haven't changed any settings although others who have use this PC may have. I've been looking through the settings and I haven't been able to find anything relevant.
I've also checked IE and Google is working normally there. Any suggestions are appreciated.
Thanks in advance,