Google Rumors

Jul 1, 2003
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Google has become self aware, judgement day is coming :P

Anyways, if ANY of this stuff is true that would be crazy.
If Google took over the world, it would save me the trouble of doing it myself. We have similar basic philosophies.
A collaboration of old news...
And stuff stolen from this guy

Except for Googles denial of it which I guess happened in the last couple days.
Raeven0 said:
If Google took over the world, it would save me the trouble of doing it myself. We have similar basic philosophies.

Do no evil?
The only thing people should worrying with Google about is

A) When
B) How
C) Chocolate Muffins
Well C is more than obvious, but we will not know When and How until it happens.

Google has been growing for a while now, they have their own Instant Messenger, Email, Satalite program(vital for taking over world), Video Uploader, and a blogger(Oh Noes!).
You cannot prevent judgement day, only delay it.