Google's new page creator..


Companion Cube
Aug 10, 2004
Reaction score

Google have launched Google Page Creator, a free website creation tool.

Perhaps best described as Geocities for the 21st century, Page Creator takes the Google AJAX magic and applies it to website design. The process is simple, albeit, at this time, a little buggy.

In a fashion remarkably similar to Powerpoint, users can pick from a number of themes (or change them on the go) and text layouts. It makes use of a rather clever What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) editor, so users don't have to face the prospect of editing HTML (but the option exists). Best of all, in true ground breaking fashion, Google lets you have 100MB of space for free, and it doesn't even put ads on your homepage.

It's all very easy; of course, that's the idea. Google have identified an area of the web which has garnered little interest in the last few years. "Free" providers traditionally have provided a lack lustre offering designed to try and persuade people to go up to pay-for options. No longer. Google Pages sees the company delve into a natural but new field, and will no doubt be popular.

Can you say remarkable? I love me some Google.
what'll they do next?


altho it is just expanding on say creating a blog... wich sites have been doing for years...
can someone give me a gmail invite or thing like that?
<RJMC> said:
can someone give me a gmail invite or thing like that?
Need your current eMail for that, slick.

PM me it and I'll invite ya.
100MB... Where the hell do they get all that serverspace???
Man, google is the next Microsoft. I expect programs, Operating systems, hardware etc etc
Google will invent the next fuel source, and give everybody 100 free gallons of it!
I tried it, and here are the facts:

1. HTML-editing is extremely limited. Only the fields premade for you can be "edited" which means that you can make things like forms and bulleted lists, but you can't make javascripts or handmade changes to the page's layout.

2. It is slow. Slow like "we're back to geocities at its worst on dialup"-slow.

3. It seems to only support uploading of pictures. Slowly. I tried other files of comparable size (pdf/zip) but to no avail. They could probably be uploaded if they were renamed, though, but it also seems to have a limit on how big files can be.

All in all this seems to be a completely useless service to most people. Ofcourse, so would myspaces seem to be, so there might be a market for this too.

Google is evil. They're trying to overflow the world with their products and they'll just lockdown everything from their base someday, trying to rule the world with their anarchistic ideals.
I'm no good at making anything, this seems nice and simple for someone like myself to create a basic page with pictures and text and links etc, for some basic information on something. Nice little feature, won't be used seriously or extensively i don't think, but a good product from google for the masses.
Google is very creative, I must say. Going into everything I'd say.

My thoughts are this: Google does many things. But it does them very well. So I love them.