Gordon and the G-Man..... (spoilers....kinda)


Aug 30, 2004
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OK well....ive been watching the end of that thing again and again..i jsut love the way he speaks, and i have come to one conclusion, you are working for the Gman. Yes we know he asked you to join him at the end of hl1, and if u didnt except, well, we all know what happened then.

The thing is, i believe he is "selling" you to the highest bidder. In his final speech, he even says thay

"you've done so well infact, that i have recieved some interesting offers for yout services. Ordinarily i wouldnt contimplate them, but these are extraordinary times" (i think thats it)

And we also see that Colnel doode coercing with the Gman through those combine binoclars. you know, before you have to take down the gunship for the first time. Maybe he is telling him
that Gordon will be ariving soon... Or, maybe we are under some sort of "suggestion" from the Gman, so we were directed to his base from that. Who knows, all i know is that, hl3 is gonna pwn, and it better be out next week...god damn hate cliffhangers!!

any further thoughts?
So you are WORKING for the gman? god damn you have solved the riddle!
Your a bit like G-mans penis.
When there is action, you are whipped out.
But when done, your back to dangling in oblivion.
Nice metaphore aye.
please, no ****tards. nothin constructive to say.. piss off
Willem123 said:
Your a bit like G-mans penis.
When there is action, you are whipped out.
But when done, your back to dangling in oblivion.
Nice metaphore aye.

You're the smart one, aren't you? I never imagined Gordon was working for G-man! I thought he was working for Santa! I'm shocked!
UKchaos2 said:
Omg Gman = Santa

He traded his giftback for a briefcase.
I see now.
*breaks into song
I can see clearly now, the rain has gone......
No, the g-man is a computer game charactor, sorry :(

Santa is still real though! :D
Freeman is doing 'Work Experience' for Gman, hes not getting payed, they wanna see how good he is before they hire him :)
UKchaos2 said:
No, the g-man is a computer game charactor, sorry :(

Santa is still real though! :D

I was so looking forward to meeting rudolf.....