Gordon Freeman main character in Aftermath?

Well it is suppost to be a logical continuation of that ending.. however the hell valve will manage that..
MiccyNarc said:
I refuse to believe that it is Gordon until I sit down in front of my computer on the day of Aftermath's release and Alyx calls me "Gordon". Until then I pray that Valve has some common sense to not completely screw up their plot.

Those who don't see how it would screw up the plot, go play the last mission of HL2 and watch the end cinematic. Then tell me it makes sense for Gordon to be dropped right back to where he was.
It makes perfect sense. Gman had to save Gordon anyway, and so he decided to mess with his pawn's head and reassert his control before putting him back into the world.
MiccyNarc said:
I refuse to believe that it is Gordon until I sit down in front of my computer on the day of Aftermath's release and Alyx calls me "Gordon". Until then I pray that Valve has some common sense to not completely screw up their plot.

Those who don't see how it would screw up the plot, go play the last mission of HL2 and watch the end cinematic. Then tell me it makes sense for Gordon to be dropped right back to where he was.

I swear you'll be playing mossman -_-

Besides, it'd be way too easy, you'd start off with the uber grav gun for t3h win. :rolleyes:

Suprisingly enough, I think Valve is well aware of their plot. They aren't going to suddenly think "Oh Gordon Bennet, we've forgotten the end of Half-Life 2! It doesn't make sense now. How could we not realise what many people in the world took two seconds to realise?!?"

There are definately different lines the plot can go down? Who's to say that the G-man's control over you is absolute? Maybe the need to rescue Alyx will make Gordon escape the G-man's chains and go to try to rescue Alyx. Maybe someone else will hire Gordon. Maybe the Combine would've hired him straight after. Maybe Gordon will go in statis for ages but then go back to the end of Half-Life 2 when he's awaken.

You can't just decide that being Gordon doesn't make any sense. Valve are not idiots.

AND, people wanting a quote from PC Gamer that you play Gordon: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showpost.php?p=1340866&postcount=53

That guy works for PC Gamer UK. They didn't put any quotes in their article for the same reason that you didn't happen to read "The new Pope, Benedict XVI, is a catholic". It's not really headline worthy news.
This discussion makes me think back to when we were having discussions about the end of Half Life 2. GMan seemed to concentrate on the word 'time' strangely enough. Will this be part of the puzzle?
It's certainly true Meglomaniac that if, for instance, someone got halfway through writing a novel before you came along and completed it for them it could be said that you were completing their work. I think it's fair to say though that since an adventure that you may experience is entirely personal and therefore cannot be completed by anyone other than you. I think that means it's Gordon in Aftermath. IMHO IIRC etc etc.
Some of you guys just can't be satisfied. It's sad. Greedy basturds.
Captain M4d said:

I don't normally comment on typos, but the word "basturds" is doubly funny. Not because of its mispelling, but because it means both bastard and turd.

Ah, but I guess that's what you intended, right? :)
AIDisabled said:
I don't normally comment on typos, but the word "basturds" is doubly funny. Not because of its mispelling, but because it means both bastard and turd.

Ah, but I guess that's what you intended, right? :)
But of course. :cheers:
is hl2 aftermath going to be free for download or am i going to have to buy it
You're going to have to buy it.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Lost Coast is free to download however.
But you'll still have to download it, I suppose. No CDs this time. Or am I wrong?
Maybe the combine still stand even though their energy generator has been screwed.
Maybe Gordon does break the Gman's rules and comes back for Alyx. They could maybe work the plot a bit to move back time a bit to save Alyx from the blast?

A little birdy told me that you'd play Alyx for a while...
Too true...

Maybe the G-man gives Gordon the portal trick again, like the end of HL1. He may help Alyx, or just wait until HL3 comes out
Definetely think that G-man will take his little teleporter in his briefcase and when the series ends, he will send Gordon back before the portal storms to save his child (you can see the little guy in Gordon's locker in Half LIfe 1). Like how he trapped him in a slow time warp, he will probably use it to send him back. The ultimate Oprah, sniff. Man I need to watch more Chappelle's show. Oh and, I got word that there is already a Half Life 3 plot forming with a secured cliffhanger ending. Although that may be rumor at this point.

Gman-Mr. Freeman, It appears your services are asked for once again. The terms of your service are of courssse, left to my discretion, although, I could simply refuse these offers in exchange for continuing your present course of employment. Now...I may consssider these, although the conditions may be more brutal than anything you may have experienced thusss far, but I require a further compreheeension of your most fatal flaw..your compassion for those less fortunate. However, we-by which I mean to say I-will attempt to regard this iiidiosyncracy as a, how to say, a trait to be purged from your system. I believe that if you are to witness the aftermath of your actions you will realize that to rely on emotion so much is pure folly, and if I feel at any time that you fail to recognize this...well let's us not part with harsh words. Although that may not be applicable in your predicament. My apologies, let us meet again as...colleagues.....

Gordon nods in assent and reappears beside Alyx.
aztecsaxwarrior said:
Oh and, I got word that there is already a Half Life 3 plot forming with a secured cliffhanger ending. Although that may be rumor at this point.

i think the plot for hl3 was already completed a long time ago. laidlaw got several years to do so. maybe it will still be polished a bit, but the main work should be done, imo.
valve have said you play as gordon. they have not, however, ruled out you'll be playing as someone else as well. time will tell
yeah. maybe youll play as alyx first or something, then later play as gordon when appropriate. but my guess is that youre just gordon the whole time. either way, you know valve will make it work.
I'm gonna get bonked on the head: what do you think about playing as GMan for a level?
wouldn't like it. g-man is the ultimate npc. he is unplayable. the sheer mystery of the "man" would kill you if you touched the keyboard.

its sorta like the playing as alyx situation. i "know" alyx, therefore i dont want to play as her. this is half-life.
/me bonks AIDisabled on the head
For crist sakes does nobody read the weekly steam news!!!!

Of course it will be gordon they've already confirmed!!!

I'd rather have shepard but anyway...
You guys know me, I'm always logical. I'd actually like to play as Gordon more than anyone else, but I am not entirely convinced, yet, that you play as Gordon Freeman.

Please, allow me to explain my point. If you disagree or can offer counter evidence, go for it.

First of all, all of those "I HAVE A FRIEND WHO WORKS AT PC GAMER HE WENT TO VALVE ITS GORDON FREEMAN!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111" ...'quotes' are useless to me. Give me something from Laidlaw's mouth or a press release or at least a reliable quote from a real PC Gamer employee.

Let us examine the "PROOF."

If you wish to analyze everything as scrutinous as you are, we should also critically analyze the screenshot. And the first time I saw this, I hadn't heard ANYTHING about HL2AM. And my first reaction was "Oh. You don't play as Gordon." You know why i thought that? Because the screenshot character is standing right next to a Combine soldier and the soldier is not shooting him. Either the overwatch soldiers and Stalkers become allies as a result of the explosion, or you play as a combine soldier... which playing as the "opposing force" would not be anything new. Then again, perhaps the G-Man leases Gordon out to the Combine and that's why you appear to be on their side.

Perhaps it is just a "sloppy" screenshot without the AI enabled in which case "continuation of Gordon Freeman’s adventures" might just be a sloppy quote where they are only really meaning to say that you're continuing Half-Life, which is always just the story of Gordon Freeman from one point or another.

Let us notice that it says that we will be continuing Gordon Freeman's Adventure... not necessarilly as Gordon Freeman. Let us also realize that all of the HL exapnsion packs did not pick up where HL left off. One started before it and the other started well into it.

I theorize that this expansion pack starts at least a little bit before the Dark reactor explosion and that you play as an Overwatch Elite of somesort. This would explain why the citadel is intact, why the Combine guard isn't shooting at you, and how you are still a part of Gordon Freeman's adventures. You probably run into the Teleporter Room right as he and Alyx are teleporting away from Nova Prospekt or some other way to allow you to see Gordon Freeman and be "part of his adventure" without him slaughtering you or vice/versa. Perhaps "aftermath" refers to the Aftermath of that teleporter explosion, the repurcussions of which "were felt far and wide" according to Dr. Kleiner.

Just speculation. If you care to comment, please do so constructively.
Pai-Mei said:
Because the screenshot character is standing right next to a Combine soldier and the soldier is not shooting him.

There's no HUD on that shot either. There's no weapon or hands there either. It's not an 'in-game' or 'live in-game' shot

And if you were playing as Combine, it wouldn't be 'continuing Gordon Freeman's adventures' in any way, shape or form.

I think you're reading far too much into a quote and trying to pick something out. We'll play as Gordon, simple as.
Pai-Mei said:
You guys know me, I'm always logical. I'd actually like to play as Gordon more than anyone else, but I am not entirely convinced, yet, that you play as Gordon Freeman.

Please, allow me to explain my point. If you disagree or can offer counter evidence, go for it.

First of all, all of those "I HAVE A FRIEND WHO WORKS AT PC GAMER HE WENT TO VALVE ITS GORDON FREEMAN!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111" ...'quotes' are useless to me. Give me something from Laidlaw's mouth or a press release or at least a reliable quote from a real PC Gamer employee.

Let us examine the "PROOF."

If you wish to analyze everything as scrutinous as you are, we should also critically analyze the screenshot. And the first time I saw this, I hadn't heard ANYTHING about HL2AM. And my first reaction was "Oh. You don't play as Gordon." You know why i thought that? Because the screenshot character is standing right next to a Combine soldier and the soldier is not shooting him. Either the overwatch soldiers and Stalkers become allies as a result of the explosion, or you play as a combine soldier... which playing as the "opposing force" would not be anything new. Then again, perhaps the G-Man leases Gordon out to the Combine and that's why you appear to be on their side.

Perhaps it is just a "sloppy" screenshot without the AI enabled in which case "continuation of Gordon Freeman’s adventures" might just be a sloppy quote where they are only really meaning to say that you're continuing Half-Life, which is always just the story of Gordon Freeman from one point or another.

Let us notice that it says that we will be continuing Gordon Freeman's Adventure... not necessarilly as Gordon Freeman. Let us also realize that all of the HL exapnsion packs did not pick up where HL left off. One started before it and the other started well into it.

I theorize that this expansion pack starts at least a little bit before the Dark reactor explosion and that you play as an Overwatch Elite of somesort. This would explain why the citadel is intact, why the Combine guard isn't shooting at you, and how you are still a part of Gordon Freeman's adventures. You probably run into the Teleporter Room right as he and Alyx are teleporting away from Nova Prospekt or some other way to allow you to see Gordon Freeman and be "part of his adventure" without him slaughtering you or vice/versa. Perhaps "aftermath" refers to the Aftermath of that teleporter explosion, the repurcussions of which "were felt far and wide" according to Dr. Kleiner.

Just speculation. If you care to comment, please do so constructively.

Reliable quote: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showpost.php?p=1340866&postcount=53

And he's pretty much been confirmed as being an employee of PC Gamer UK.

I have nothing really to say about the screenshot other than it doesn't even look like it's from the prespective of the player. You are looking for evidence to support your conclusion, instead of drawing a conclusion from the evidence.
valve have said that we will play as gordon.
they would not make the mistake of lying to the public again...

i would be very surprised if we didnt play as gordon, for some or all of AM
tss it would be like hl3 if we played as gordon, i hope its adrian or whoever but not gordon.
valve have said that we will play as gordon.

Again, they really haven't to the public. They said we will be "continuing Gordon's adventures."

There's no HUD on that shot either. There's no weapon or hands there either. It's not an 'in-game' or 'live in-game' shot

True enough.... unless the character we play as doesnt have an HUD yet, at this point in the game. Heh... maybe you play as a Stalker. Just kidding, good point.

You are looking for evidence to support your conclusion, instead of drawing a conclusion from the evidence.

Honestly, before I saw the screenshot, I had no impression or conclusion about Aftermath at all. I saw the citadel, alive and well, and I saw a combine not shooting me. I figured we would play as a combine this time around, some time before Gordon destroyed the reactor (which I thought destroyed the Citadel).

Reliable quote: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/sho...66&postcount=53

And he's pretty much been confirmed as being an employee of PC Gamer UK.

Uh huh. And even if he is telling the truth, that is a 3rd hand quote. Its a quote of a guy who talked to a guy who talked to a guy at Valve.

I'm not saying I disagree with you all... I do agree... mainly because the other Aftermath screenshots show an HEV suit HUD, not because some random poster said he new a guy who knew a guy whos former roomate's uncle works for valve.
i wont be taking it for granted that we'll b playing as gordan until valve confirm it either, which they very much havent.
where can i find aftermath screenshots ?
Pai-Mei said:
Uh huh. And even if he is telling the truth, that is a 3rd hand quote. Its a quote of a guy who talked to a guy who talked to a guy at Valve.

I'm not saying I disagree with you all... I do agree... mainly because the other Aftermath screenshots show an HEV suit HUD, not because some random poster said he new a guy who knew a guy whos former roomate's uncle works for valve.

Why would he lie? That "random poster" has been confirmed as working for PC Gamer UK. And the PC Gamer UK article has numerous references to Gordon Freeman.
i wont be taking it for granted that we'll b playing as gordan until valve confirm it either, which they very much havent.

And the Vatican hasn't confirmed that the new Pope is Catholic, either. But that's no reason to doubt that he is.
what a bad comparism , the pope has to be catholic cos the pope is the head of the catholics :/
eber said:
what a bad comparism , the pope has to be catholic cos the pope is the head of the catholics :/

You miss the point. The point is that noone has specifically said that the new Pope is Catholic. That doesn't mean that you should doubt that he is Catholic.
Wouldn't they have used those exact words on the news? "Bob Ratzinger is the new pope" ?
I get your point tho.

No, I don't remember his name...
If I may jump in on what Pai-Mei said, I think the reason for the stalker not attacking the soldier explains itself.
Firstly, the armaments of either side.
Soldier: Gun
Stalker: Lack of appendages

Now the brainwash factor, if the combine can pull out organs and run a fellow off saline solution, they can screw with his mind to the point of making him not attack soldiers with what force he could muster. Maybe, weld on them or something.
Skipping from the first page to this page looks more like you've changed threads, honestly.

I'm still against Gordon being the hero of aftermath... I really hope Valve dosn't pwn itself.