Gordon Freeman ranked number 1 character of all time

Why isn't master chief number one, he is far superior.
Don't agree with a lot of that list, still .. it's their list, they can do as they please!

A lot of the comments make me laugh though.
shitty custom model image
at least shodan is #3.
there's no Denton.
manny calavera is #30.
people always say he has ginger hair, but in most of his pictures it's more browney. it was only really ginger in the original half-life.
As much as I like Half-life, I can't agree. What ****ing characteristics does Freeman have? He's a mute who always runs and pushes buttons and solves seesaw puzzles. Give me a break.
Dude he uses a f*cking crowbar!

lol But I do see your point.
Link is number 1 for me... But I just love Zelda. So him, or Duke Nukem are my top.

But, "best ever" lists are always stupid... And the only people that tend to comment on them are people that are ignorant that others might have a different opinion.

You'd thing they'd spell the names right. "Arthus Menithil"? Really? And how is he one of the greatest characters ever? I wouldn't even put Kerrigan on that list. But that's just me.
Gordon Freeman isn't really a character to begin with.
I didn't really like the list either, as much as I like Gordon I don't think he's the number one video character of all time, maybe 4th or 3rd.
father gregory is #1 because how he has lived in a zombie infested town and surived
Good for Gordon. At least we can decipher from this that having no personality whatsoever will put you in good standing with others.

But wait, he's Gordon Freeman, the crowbar-wielding warrior! He doesn't need to talk while he's killing things!
Gordon Freeman isn't really a character to begin with.

Agreed. The votes were for Half-Life, not Gordon. The reason Gordon works so well as a protagonist is due to his complete lack of character - we get to fill the void and wield the crowbar!
Gordon Freeman is a good character because he's not a character. He's a channel for the player to insert their own persona into his shoes. He's as good a character as you make him to be.

edit: goddammit warbie.
How the hell is he a good character? He has no... characteristics.