Gordon Freeman's Height


Space Core
Jun 20, 2013
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I have heard lots of people saying that Gordon Freeman is either 6 or 6'1" tall, despite the fact that in the Hammer Editor 1 unit equals 0.75 inches, meaning that the player is about 4'7". Also, in the Half-Life 2 chapter Point Insertion, there is a scale on the wall which, once you go into third-person mode, shows that you are just over 1.7 m (about 5'7"), even though later in the game, in the chapter Water Hazard, the scale shows that Gordon is 1.8 m (almost 5'11"). So, does anybody know for sure whether Gordon is 6'1", 4'7" , 5'7", or 5'11"? Because, hey, who cares about real life, let's talk about fictional video game characters!

PS: I do use the metric system, although I converted most of the heights into the imperial system for the benefit of what I believe is the majority of the users at Valve Time.
"Point Insertion" is still the most sexual chapter title in the Half Life series, I think
Who cares about his height? The real question is how long is his penis.
No the real question is how much can he bench press?
The reason I chose that avatar because of how absolutely amazing Dora the Explorer is. I love how they leave it entirely up to speculation as to what her name is, thousands of theories have been created. Of course, they do leave some hints as to what it might be in the extraordinarily beautiful and undeniably lovely opening music: D-D-D-D-D-Dora! D-D-D-D-D-Dora! Dora! Dora, Dora, Dora the Explorer! Dora! Boots is super cool, but Dora's Dora! From this we can work out that her name is either James, John, Jacob, Johnathan, Jack, Joe, or Joseph. This is just so fascinating, I think I'm gonna create my own website: DoraTime.net. Come on, tell me with all honesty that you wouldn't join DoraTime.net. I dare you.
Did one just question the utter sincerity of my previous post? How dare you!? Kneel before the dark lord Dora, and hope that she shall show mercy!
The font change was actually creative, nice work.
I submit that this person is trying a little too hard and therefore the humor is not landing so excellently, but I do welcome a new user with a personality who doesn't seem like a confused baby animal.

I always feel like I'm looking noticeably downward at other characters, but perhaps that's just due to how I'm looking at the screen.
He's certainly doing better than I did. You were there Sheepo. And so was Vegeta. That thread where I was trying to act like a moderator with only nine posts. Oh man the backlash from that was brutal but those were good times nonetheless, back when it was Halflife2.net and more people were around.
I approve how you went back to other Gordon affiliated threads just to appreciate his beauty and stature.
Uh-huh, the Freeman is almost as beautiful as Dor- Wait, what? You mean my Dora jokes aren't funny anymore!? NOOO! That was my only way of making people think I was funny whilst in real life, I'm actually a bitter, hostile, and pessimistic loner. Anyway, while we're on the subject of newbies, I've noticed that I'm being called a parasitic alien now (a pretty spot-on description of me), what does this mean?
I went on Garry's Mod and spawned a bunch of characters in front of the scale, here is the information I got:
Alyx Height: 1.7 m (5'7").
Antlion Height: 1.4 m (4'7").
Barney (Half-Life 1/2) Height: 1.75 m (5'8.8").
Combine Elite: Just under 1.8 m (5'10.").
Fast Zombie Height: 1.2 m (3'11").
Gordon Freeman (Half-Life 1) Height: 1.7 m (5'7").
Gordon Freeman (Half-Life 2) Height: 1.75 m (5'8.8").
Grigori Height: 1.7 m (5'7").
Headcrab Height/Weight: 30 cm and 3.8 kg. (0'11.8" & 9.5 lbs)
Headcrab Zombie Height: 1.6 m (5'3").
Poison Zombie Height: 1.5 m (4'11").
Turret Height: 1.4 m (4'7").
Looks like Gordon took some penis pills while he was in stasis.
Or maybe Gordon simply grew five-hundredths of a meter while the G-Man had him as his sex slave for two decades.
Or maybe the G-Man accidentally awoke David Blaine rather than Gordon, so he's constantly floating 5 cm above the ground.
Or maybe Gordon hadn't gotten a haircut in so long that the hair he had grown in those twenty years gave him an extra 50 mm in height.
Hey guys, would you mind closing the door before making out in here?
Sure thing honey.

Ummm what about girth?

Yeah that too. Seriously someone needs to find out about that someday. Maybe Alyx will get some info on it during Episode Three/Half-Life 3.