Gordon Frohman Comics

Jun 24, 2004
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Now, first off, I searched these forums, using the term "Frohman" and did not find a post discussing these comics. They are really funny, and the guy doing them is promising three new ones a week (wonder how long he can keep up with that). I've been reading them for 3 weeks now, and they are really enjoyable, well what are you waiting for, go over there and enjoy:

Seen it before but it's one of the most entertaining HL2 comics that I've seen.
those were freaking hilarious, clever stuff, havnt laughed that hard in a while.
This is the best. :LOL:

I check every monday, wednesday and friday. On of my favoruite web comics
Just read through them all; possibly the best HL2 comic ever! I like how he is progressing the comic along side the game's chapters.
I was laughing my ass off when I read the CS part :LOL:
The CS part was great. especially "so let me get this straight. You bassicly complain about every aspect of the game yet you have been playing it over and over since 1999." It's true, It's all true!
The dude sure knows how to do this kind of stuff. Brilliant, just brilliant. Haven't laughed this hard in ages.
The CSS are the best so far.
"I've called VALVe a fag, what else can I do?":D
Breen:Some man entered my office and I'm most certain it was...
Frohman: Gordon Frohman!
Breen:Some random idiot.

Or something like that, lol.
Indeed, these are quite good. Unlike certain other comics, "Concerned" is actually funny.
i was just reading through them and i dunno.. the site suddenly went down :(
anyway that is a pretty darn good comic :thumbs:

/me bookmarks it
How to make a Garrysmod comic good.

Yay, it's been noticed! I love this comic, been reading for ages now. :D
Lol, awesome comic. CSS and the one where Gman is hiding behind a crate are gold.

Check out the cast descriptions, this one's for CP..."Prone to rapel down a rope in the path of speeding airboats" :D haha
Oh man! That's the best HL2 comic I've ever read!
I wish I had four hands because then I could give it four thumbs up.
Gordon "Are you just talking funny to make me think you arn't comfortable with human speach?"
G-man thought (I hate my job)

What are you doing Friday
Because the everyone I ever knew is dead, the world is crumbling and.....
what about Saterday?
I'm washing m hair

PS: Muhaahahhahahhahhahahhahahhahhha

Welcome to city 17, also known as HELL, YOU'RE ALL GOING TO DIE HA HAH HAHA HA! when are we on anyway?