Gordon In anime?

Yeah, that's not anime, it's Ami-me(American/western anime) ;)
yeh , its more like the style of animated western shows like 'totally spies' on Disney channel. and yes. I am ashamed , as I have watched it a few times before :eek:
That pic reminds me of good ol' Oni. :farmer:
Gordon's arm scares me, but anyway, let's get the anime checklist:

1. Huge eyes? - No (oh dear)

2. Underage looking girls with certain voluptuous body features? - Nope
2. Subquestion a) ... shooting guns? - No
Subquestion b) ... wearing very little? - No

3. Blue hair? - No (*gasp* no blue hair?)

4. Mechs, or mech/robot-like characters? - No (damn, not the obligatory mech either :O )

5. Male characters look like girls without voluptuous body features? - No

The list goes on and on, but it's not scoring very high at all, so I don't think I need to continue.
And his arm still scares me.
Older male characters dont have huge eyes for starters... I'll just claim it as my original anime style.
thats not the anime that I know
the anime that I know is the old dragon ball style,the kids cartoon style(like yu-gi-oh),and the more realistic like neo-genesis evangelion and ryoku kenshin(samurai X)

thats realy look like that american anime
nw909 said:
Anime characters don't have to have huge eyes :\

No they can have two small lines across their face where eyes normally are...:p

Anyway, if anything it reminds me of Penny Arcade which appears to be a style in itself.

EDIT: Actually not penny arcade but something else on the internet....cant remember though.

And where are Gordons glasses?
Farrowlesparrow said:
No they can have two small lines across their face where eyes normally are...:p

Anyway, if anything it reminds me of Penny Arcade which appears to be a style in itself.

EDIT: Actually not penny arcade but something else on the internet....cant remember though.

And where are Gordons glasses?
I originaly had the glasses, but from that angle he looked better without em.
Pendragon said:
I just noticed--isn't the Safety on? The pointer thing is on Safe, not Semi or Auto.

On the M-16 the fire selector has a little arrow that points in the opposite direction of the large rounded tab. If you look at the gun, the large tab is pointed toward the safe position while the arrow is pointing toward AUTO.

This means its on auto, not safe.
Its on auto. Safe is on the left, semi on top, and auto to the right.
Pendragon said:
Ah. Curse my un-knowledge of fire-arms.

The only hint of anime in that picture is Gordon's head. It sorta looks anime style. Just being cartooney doesn't make it Anime. Maybe if the writing on the wall and keypad was in Japanese...
Not all anime has to follow the same guidelines.


True that on anime styles. That's Tetsuo Shima, and that's the Last Vampire, but who's the last guy?
who cares? it looks so god-damn good i really wouldnt worry about whether its anime or not! and anyway, i dont actually see ow thats not anime- like many people have said they dont need outrageos hair and huge gaping eyes to be japanese anime.
The lower one is from the Spriggan movie.
You now know XD
Suicide42 said:
who cares? it looks so god-damn good i really wouldnt worry about whether its anime or not! and anyway, i dont actually see ow thats not anime- like many people have said they dont need outrageos hair and huge gaping eyes to be japanese anime.
Thanks for the awesome comment!
It's an anime inspired western piece of art any otaku can tell, it's not bad but it's not anime. The fact is it doesn't really matter, it's art non the less. I couldn't quite say what qualifies something as anime but when you've seen enough, you can just tell. Maybe it's the quality and style I don't know.
The only thing that makes it look different from other anime is the 3d look it has...
theGreenBunny said:
1. Huge eyes? - No (oh dear)
2. Underage looking girls with certain body features? - Nope
2. Subquestion a) ... shooting guns? - No
Subquestion b) ... wearing very little? - No
3. Blue hair? - No (*gasp* no blue hair?)
4. Mechs, or mech/robot-like characters? - No (damn, not the obligatory mech either :O )
5. Male characters look like girls without body features? - No
The list goes on and on, but it's not scoring very high at all, so I don't think I need to continue.
And his arm still scares me.

Guess what? That could describe any kind of cartoons or animation. All anime means is Animation from Japan- Hell, Anime isn't even a Japanese word, it comes from French. What you described are traits of typical anime. What Snowball drew is not anime because he isn't from Japan and it isn't animated- He simply drew a piece of artwork using techniques commonly found in Japanese Animation. Good work anyway.
okay, now that we've clarified that it isn't anime, thats an awesome piece of work snowball :)
Woo! Thanks. Just so ya'll know, the compittition it was for I made it to the final four.