Got 8000 dollars? Buy a 14 megapixel digital camera... (56k be warned)

JellyWorld said:
Got 8000 dollars? Buy a (cheap) car.

Why buy a car when you can take a photograph of each individual cell of the human body!?
Eh? thats a Minolta Dimage A2, an 8mpix camera.
I'm happy with my 8.1....

*cries in corner*

Although in theory you can take a picture of every cell with an just need a lens that costs close to 1000 quid.
MaxiKana said:
Eh? thats a Minolta Dimage A2, an 8mpix camera.

I didn't say THAT camera was the 14 megapixel one. Just the image is 14 megapixels.
LittleB said:
I didn't say THAT camera was the 14 megapixel one. Just the image is 14 megapixels.

Ahh, I see that :P
Nice photo - looks super good in HD. He's got a point about viewing cells though - that's all lens. I have a high-end microscope hooked up to a not-so-high-end camera and cellular-level pictures look fine. Now if that thing had, say, 1600x optical zoom, we'd be cookin' with gas. What is the zoom on that thing, anyway?
I love the 2.8 or whatever GP picture, it's effing amazing... i've played with that for 1/2 hour and found the coolest things :) great find

nah thats too much for a cam. $8000 for a cam....
That 2.5 gigapixel pic is not from a 2.5 gigapixel camera. Would be cool if someone made one though :P
The 2.5 one is made up out of many smaller pictures. Which explains the findings of floating heads/bodies. Still is a worldrecord though.